M. Montserrat Martínez, M. Gabriela Ónega,
Julio A. Seijas
* ,
M. Pilar Vázquez-Tato
Departamento de Química Orgánica. Facultad de Ciencias.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Aptdo. 280. 27080-Lugo. Spain.
      We carried out addition of alkyllithiums (n-BuLi, s- BuLi, t-BuLi) to o-vinylbenzoic acid and all of them added (THF, -78o C, electrophile: MeOH or MeI, 45-61% yield), however when we attempt the addition of PhLi no reaction was observed as occurred for o-vinylphenyloxazolines1. Yield obtained for o-vinylbenzoic acid were lower than those for o-vinylphenyloxazoline in all cases.
      This results show the favourable influence of the oxazoline group in the addition.
Acknowledgement: financial support from DGICYT (PB93-0647) is gratefully acknowledged.
1. J. A. Seijas, M. P. Vázquez-Tato, L. Castedo, R. J. Estévez and M.
Ruíz, J. Org. Chem., 1192, 57, 5283.
2. X. Wei and J. K. Taylor, Chem. Commun., 1996, 187; and references cited
there in.
3. J. A. Seijas, M. P. Vázquez-Tato et al. Communications to the 36th.
IUPAC Congress. Geneva August 17-22,   1997.