A modified Perkin condensation leading to alpha-phenylcinnamic acid stereoisomers was studied with experimental and computational tools. The condensation reaction gave overwhelmingly or exclusively the E isomer. The duration and temperature of reflux and the polarity of solvent could affect the isomeric distribution only to a minor extent. However, E-Z isomerization provided with equilibrium mixture of nearly 1:1 composition. Computational results (obtained by means of molecular mechanics and semiempirical quantum chemical methods) also indicated that there was negligible difference between the stabilities of the isomers. Nevertheless, the dramatic difference in the potential energy surfaces of the isomers may account for the stereoselectivity of the condensation reaction.
Keywords: Perkin condensation, isomeric distribution, E- and Z-alpha-phenylcinnamic acid stereoisomers, computational methods, potential energy surfaces, stereoselectivity
Cinnamic acid derivatives are important building blocks in the production of lignins in higher plants [1]. They derive from the shikimic acid metabolic pathway and their mechanism of formation is complex. Nevertheless, key reactions are condensations (mostly of Claisen type [1]), just as in their laboratory scale synthesis (mostly of Perkin type [2]). The 'usual' Perkin reaction leads to the predominant or exclusive formation of the E isomer. A modified Perkin condensation (Scheme 1) [3-5], under certain conditions (low temperature, short reaction time) gives the mixture of E- and Z-alpha-phenylcinnamic acids, nonetheless, the E isomer still predominates. Early studies (see, e.g., [6]) found this fact obvious, since the E isomer was considered thermodynamically more stable. Indeed, lengthening the duration of reflux afforded exclusively this isomer. However, when we started to model the two isomers in order to find structural explanation for the large difference in the acidities of the stereoisomers, AM1 semiempirical quantum chemical calculations gave nearly identical heats of formation data for the fully optimized structures of the isolated E and Z isomers. Therefore, it seemed interesting to study the reaction from mechanistic point of view, with the aim of exploring factors, which influence isomeric distribution. The thermal and photoinduced E-Z isomerizations of the acids were also investigated. The reactions were explored experimentally as well as computationally.
Computational methods
The AM1 [7], MNDO [8], and PM3 [9]) semiempirical methods were selected for studying the isolated molecules. Routines included in the PcMolTM [10] and MOPAC [11] packages were applied for calculations. Full geometry optimization was performed by each method. In calculations performed by the MOPAC package the RHF approximation was used. The gradient norm and the energy derivatives with the internal coordinates for all the individual gradients were always less than 0.01 and 0.1 respectively. The fully optimized geometries had positive definite force matrices indicating that stationary points were found. Potential energy maps were created for both isomers using the MM2 [12] routine of the CacheTM system [13]. Both isomers were preoptimized without constraints, then the two phenyl groups were rotated by 1 degree increments and potential energies were calculated for each conformer. Thus, fairly detailed maps were created. Potential energy values in more than 14.000 points were calculated.
The condensation reaction
First, the reaction was performed following the recipe of Fieser [4]. It involved heating a mixture of benzaldehyde (2 cm3), phenylacetic acid (2.5 g), acetic anhydride (2 cm3) and triethylamine (2 cm3) for 35 min. A mixture of products was precipitated with 4 cm3 of cc. HCl. The solid material was dissolved in diethyl ether then was washed with 3x10 cm3 3% NaOH solution. The two isomers from the alkaline solution was obtained by selective precipitation. Acidifying with acetic acid to pH 5 afforded the E isomer, further lowering the pH to 1 with cc. HCl provided with the Z isomer. The crude products were crystallised from diethyl ether (m.p. (E): 446.5 K, m.p.(Z): 409.5 K).
In an other set of experiments duration and temperature of reflux (this latter by varying the solvent) were altered. Solvents were chosen to provide with different boiling points, polarities and hydrogen bonding capabilities. Usually 100 cm3 of solvent was used to enforce the properties of the solvent on the reaction mixture (the quantities of the other components remained unchanged). Duration of reflux was varied from 35 min to 9 hours in some cases. Products were isolated and separated.
Thermal and photoinduced isomerization reactions
Thermal isomerization was performed in the Fieser mixture, i.e., 0.5 g of E-alpha-phenylcinnamic acid was placed to a 1:1 mixture acetic anhydride and triethyl amine (2 cm3 each) mixture and was kept under reflux for 168 hours. For determining the isomeric composition, samples were withdrawn for GC-MS analysis at certain time intervals [14].
Photoinduced isomerization was performed with the help of an immersion mercury vapour lamp (intensity maximum at lambda = 253.1 nm). The reaction was performed at room temperature in a jacketed flask (water was used for controlling the temperature) under nitrogen atmosphere, placing 1 g of E-alpha-phenylcinnamic acid in 500 cm3 diethyl ether. Duration of illumination was 30 hours. Analysis was performed the GC-MS method.
The condensation and the double bond isomerization reactions
The modified Perkin reaction provided an isomeric mixture with the predominance of the E isomer. The maximum amount of the Z isomer was 21.1%. It was obtained when the Fieser mixture was kept under reflux (about 423 K) with 35 min reaction time. A compilation of literature results revealed (Table 1) that any modification in the composition of reactants, temperature and duration of reflux resulted in the preferential or in most cases exclusive formation of the E isomer.
Isomeric distribution at various temperatures and reaction times based on literature results
==================================================================================T/oC t/min benz/mola Ac2O/molb Phac/molc Et3N/mold E/Z __________________________________________________________________________________
301 90 0.74 0.3 0.2 0.2 100/0
301 90 0.74 0.3 0.2 0.2* 100/0
651 180 0.74 0.3 0.2 0.4 100/0
651 180 0.74 0.3 0.2 0.4* 100/0
1402 35 0.18 2.1 0.11 1.5 96/4
1503 35 0.3 0.21 0.18 0.15 79/21
1504 330 0.4 0.84 0.4 0.29 100/0
a benzaldehyde
b acetic anhydride
c phenylacetic acid
d triethylamine
* added dropwise during the reaction
1 ref. [17]
2 ref. [6]
3 ref. [4]
Table 2
Isomeric distribution in solvents of different polarities (mu = dielectric constant) and boiling points at various reaction times (reactions were carried out under reflux)
===============================================================================t/min E/mol% Z/mol%
Fieser mixture* (b.p.: app. 150 oC)
35 79.9 21.1 _______________________________________________________________________________
H2O (b.p.: 100 oC, mu(25): 1.82)
180 94.4 5.6 _______________________________________________________________________________
diethyl ether (b.p.: 35 oC, mu(25): 1.87)
180 100 0 _______________________________________________________________________________
dibutyl ether (b.p.: 142-143 oC, mu(20): 1.15)
40 100 0 _______________________________________________________________________________
diglyme (b.p.: 162 oC, mu(25): 1.97)
180 100 0 _______________________________________________________________________________
benzene (b.p.: 80 oC, mu(20): 0.00)
180 100 0 _______________________________________________________________________________
xylene (isomeric mixture) (b.p.: 138-142 oC, mu(20): 0.30)
30 100 0
180 98.1 1.9
360 97.9 2.1 _______________________________________________________________________________
decalin (isomeric mixture) (b.p.: 192 oC, mu(25): 0.00)
35 94.2 5.8
360 87.4 12.6
540 90.5 9.5
*Fieser mixture: benzaldehyde, phenylacetic acid, acetic anhydride, triethylamine
The results of thermal as well as photoinduced isomerization reactions revealed that starting from the E isomer an equilibrium mixture of nearly 1:1 composition could be achieved (Table 3). It is true that reaching this composition requires considerable amount of time.
E-Z isomerization Table 3
Double bond isomerization of E-alpha-phenylcinnamic acid under thermal conditions (reflux in a mixture of acetic anhydride and triethylamine) and upon UV irradiation (in diethyl ether)
======================================================================= time/h thermal UV light ___________________ ____________________E Z E Z _______________________________________________________________________
0 100 0 100 0
22 - - 61.1 38.9
24 96.7 3.3 - -
30 - - 61.1 38.9
48 83.3 16.7 - -
96 66.2 33.6 - -
120 54.7 45.3 - -
168 54.7 45.3 - -
Computational results
Semiempirical calculations on the isolated molecules gave similar stability data for the two isomers. However, calculations also revealed that the dipole moments were different (Table 4).
Standard heat of formation and dipole moment data on alpha-phenylcinnamic acid isomers calculated by semiempirical methods Table 4
The standard heat of formation (in kJ/mol) and dipole moment (D in Debye) data for the alpha-phenylcinnamic acid isomers calculated by semiempirical quantum chemical methods
=========================================================================== MNDO AM1 PM3 ________________ _________________ __________________deltaHf,298 D deltaHf,298 D deltaHf,298 D
E -109.7 2.13 -99.2 2.53 -97.7 2.04
Z -114.0 1.80 -97.5 1.88 -97.2 1.80
Potential energy maps also differed considerably. The quasi three-dimensional potential energy surface was table-like for the E isomer with ridges of very small heights between the shallow valley-like minima. There were sharp maxima when the hydrogens on the phenyl groups approached each other. The the map upside down). The two sets of almost symmetrical minima network were connected by relatively high energy hills, which corresponded to a near parallel arrangement of the phenyl groups.
Based on published information [6, 15-17] and common sense, a detailed mechanism of this modified Perkin condensation can be put together (Scheme 2). It consists of two parts: (1) nucleophilic addition of the mixed anhydride formed from acetic anhydride and phenylacetic acid on the carbonyl group of benzaldehyde via base catalysis (Scheme 3); (2) the elimination of acetic acid and the hydrolysis of the product anhydride (Scheme 4). Zimmermann et al. have shown that the condensation reaction is elimination controlled [6]. There is no reason to assume that preferential formation of any of the four intermediates (Table 5) takes place.
Configuration of the intermediates Table 5
The absolute configurations of the diastereomers and those of the products after elimination (for graphical view)
=================================================================================compounds chiral centers products after elimination ____________________________________
a b _________________________________________________________________________________
1 S R Z
2 R R E
3 S S E
4 R S Z
According to AM1 semiempirical quantum chemical calculations, the heats of formation are very close to each other, their dipole moments are not too different either (Table 6). Also there is no need to assume other than the usual anti elimination [18], it can account for the formation of both isomeric acids.
Standard heat of formation and dipole moment data for the intermediates obtained by the AM1 semiempirical method Table 6
Standard heat of formation data (in kJ/mol) and dipole moments (D in Debye) for the isolated intermediates obtained by the AM1 method
=================================================================compounds deltaHf,298 D _________________________________________________________________
1 -657.8 5.48
2 -640.2 5.51
3 -652.8 5.24
4 -640.8 5.45
As concerns the stability data of the intermediates and the alpha-phenylcinnamic acid stereoisomers it is safe to state that the elimination reaction is endothermic. (It is strictly true for gas-phase reactions, nevertheless, it should be approximately valid in our system as well.) Thus, the transition state is product-like, therefore, the potential energy surfaces of the products can be used in explaining stereoselectivity towards the E isomer. As it has been already mentioned the potential energy surface for the E isomer contains extensive low-energy regions close to the absolute minimum throughout. The potential energy surface of the other isomers has several local minima but considerable amount of the surface is in the high energy region (saddles, ridges, local maxima). Consequently, the reason for the preferential formation of the E isomer is of kinetic origin, its formation is much faster than that of the Z. When reaction conditions are more severe this isomer also forms, but never in excess.
Using the modified Perkin condensation leading to alpha-phenylcinnamic acid isomers as model reaction, it has been demonstrated that experimental and computational methods together are able to give a more complete account of the observed stereochemical features than any of them could be alone.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of Hungary through grant F4297/1992. The financial help is highly appreciated.
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