Abstract: Chemical Markup Language is an application of XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, developed for containing chemical information components within documents. Its design supports interoperability with the XML family of tools and protocols. It provides a base functionality for atomic, molecular and crystallographic information and allows extensibility for other chemical applications. Legacy files can be imported into CML without information loss, and can carry any desired chemical ontology.
We assume the reader is familiar with the basis of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) XML uses the same syntactic approach but, deliberately, has less flexibility and requires more precise application. This makes it much easier to write parsing software for well-formed documents (first three rules below). The most important parts of the XML syntax and namespace specifications are:
XSL. An XML-based language allowing document transformation (filtering, reordering, etc.) and subsequent rendering. Modern browsers will provide native XSL support. XSL has a UNIX-like syntax for navigating to ancestors and descendants.
XQL. A powerful XML-based query language specifically designed for structured documents. Queries can be based on any combination of: (a) element names, (b) attribute names, (c) attribute values and (d) element content. This is further enhanced by the ability to query the context of an element (ancestor, sibling, etc) and to interrogate order (‘next element’). At present the XQL syntax is similar to XSL. It is likely that XQL will allow extensions to user-defined functions.
XLINK and Xpointer. This is a general mechanism for addressing any element within a document. It will manage addressing to URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) and URNs (Uniform Resource Names) and is likely to have a similar syntax to XSL and XQL for addressing within documents. XLINK can be thought of as a greatly extended set of the HTML hyperlinking facility and inter alia allows (a) selective transclusion of documents, (b) creation of a database of links for a set of documents, (c) treatment of XLINKs as elements (i.e. first-class information objects) and (d) multi-ended links.
RDF. This is an XML application for creating metadata, using property triples (element1, property, element2), where the properties are first-class elements. It is expected to use the Dublin Core approach frequently.
XML deals with many specific ideas drawn from strctured document technology. Here are some of the most relevant you’ll soon get used to them!
Table 1. Key terms of XML Terminology.
Document Type Declaration (DTD) |
A formal (BNF-like) specification of the allowed components and structure of a document conforming to that DTD. A DTD should include ontological information about the elements and attributes |
XML Schema |
An extension of DTD functionality, written in XMLa |
eXtensible Markup Language |
eXtensible Stylesheet Languagea |
XML Query Languagea |
A linking scheme (hypermedia) for XML. |
Xpointer |
XPointer provides the addressing mechanisma |
Markup |
The introduction of special characters into documents to identify content and structure |
Element |
A component of a document delimited by a start-tag and end-tag |
Attribute |
A name-value pair located in the start-tag of an element |
Element name |
The name of an element |
Tag |
A syntactic construct indicating the start or end of an element. The element includes its tags and their content |
Tagset |
An informal term for the collection of element names in a document or set of documents |
Character (string) data in element content |
Subelement/ Child |
An element completely contained within an other element in a hierarchical manner |
Elem ent content |
Anything within the start and end tags of an element. Normally a mixture of #PCDATA and child elements, but may include comments and/or Pis or may be empty. |
Descendant; Ancestor; sibling |
Terms describing the relation of elements in the tree/hierarchy of a document |
Document instance |
An XML document, containing exactly one root element which may (and usually has) subelements |
Well-formed |
A document which conforms to XML syntax (e.g. elements nest correctly, end tags are present and attribute values are quoted. |
Valid |
A well-formed document whose structure, element names, attribute names and values are consistent with a particular DTD. |
W3C |
The World Wide Web Consortium. A vendor-led, Vendor-neutral consortium for the development of protocols for using the WWW. |
Chemical Markup Language, a conforming application of XML. CML is released as a series of drafts; this being the first comprehensive publication. |
Specification under development.In keeping with the philosophy of other W3C protocols and markup languages, CML is issued as a series of drafts. The XML process thrives on public comment and revision and has moved very fast in a robust manner. CML is designed to evolve in parallel with XML and in the same manner This FAQ (19990601) concentrates on the basic chemical information components (atoms, bonds, electrons) and crystallography.
CML can also support more complex chemical concepts such as reactions, chemical grammars (e.g. Markush structures and combinatorial chemistry) and chemical queries (substructure searches). The final design of these will depend on the syntax and support for XLINK and when these W3C recommendations are available, these topics will be published in following articles. We note with approval the concurrent publication of XyMML, an XML-based language for typesetting chemistry and discuss its relationship to CML in this article.
In paper-based publication the medium and message are inextricably linked and can normally only be processed by humans. The development of electronic scientific publishing has often involved conventional "paper" documents with associated electronic data. Thus the electronic deposition of crystal structures and macromolecular sequences is now a routine part of publication. In general, however, the document part of the paper, though often carried in electronic form, is conceptually based on a conventional paper-based document structure. A major feature of this approach is that form and content are mixed.
For documents to be reliably machine-processable the paper image is not sufficient. It is necessary to identify the various components of a document both in their intrinsic nature and their role in the document structure. This process is termed markup and has been adopted by many publishers through the Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML, ISO:8879).
Markup has now been extended to become a central tool for the exchange of information over electronic networks. The introduction of HyperText markup Language (HTML) was the first step in producing a globally accepted non-proprietary method for transmitting machine-processable electronic documents. Typical markup elements of HTML include components such as <IMG> or <ADDRESS>, document structure elements such as <HEAD>, <BODY>, <TITLE>, <P>, local structure elements such as <UL>/<OL> + <LI> and <TABLE> + <TR> + <TD>.
The use of HTML made a critically important contribution to hypermedia by introducing (unbounded) hyperlinks or anchors (<A>) and thus encouraged the use of both hyperdocuments and active components. We developed the use of these for chemistry by proposing the use of MIME types to label chemically significant components of hyperdocuments. More generally, the adoption of HTML has promoted the idea that documents are not monolithic objects but can be regarded as built from smaller components with defined and varied content and functionality. It is generally recognised, however, that HTML has weak support for structure and poor tools for specific markup and functionality. In scientific disciplines there is a key need to exchange "data" such as numeric quantities with units and ranges, and domain-specific objects such as mathematical equations or chemical reactions. HTML cannot address these, and so the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has undertaken a major program to support robust, extensible markup.
The members of the W3C are (primarily commercial) organisations who have agreed to create communal, non-proprietary protocols for, inter alia, the exchange of information over the WWW. The W3C’s processes are confidential, but its results are open. The cornerstone of this is eXtensible Markup Language (XML), a "very simple subset" of SGML. One of us (PMR) was invited to be part of the initial working group on XML and as a result we suggest that some aspects of the process, as well as the end-product, may be of value to the chemical informatics community.
The representation of information in electronic form usually involves several layers,
Each of these is discussed separately below.
This specifies the method for mapping bytes (octets) or similar concepts onto characters. Thus ASCII (the American Standards Committee for Information Interchange) has specified that the character "a" is represented by the byte with value 65. Commonly used supersets of ASCII are ISO-8859, ISO-Latin-1 and ISO-10646 ("Unicode"). The latter is based on 16 bits and endeavours to support all the major character sets in the world. XML (and Java) are designed to be Unicode-compliant. It is critical to define the character set used in a document and XML documents should start with a declaration such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Lack of understanding of encoding can lead to serious corruption of information; we know of cases where characters for degrees (superscript zero) and micro (Greek mu) have been corrupted by incorrect assumption of character sets.
This specifies how the byte stream should be tokenised. It is dependent on the application and is frequently underspecified. An example of a syntactic problem from an MDL molfile is:
YOHIMBINE GTMACCS-II11109515132D 1 0.00479 0.00000 0 GST 29 33 0 0 1 0 1 V2000 0.4699 2.1336 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6808 1.2945 0.0000 C 0 0 1 0 0 0 [...]
Here the string in the second line contains information on how the molecular information was created, the date, the dimensionality, etc. Without a manual it is impossible to identify the tokens (e.g. as "GT" "MACCS-II" "112395" "1513" "2D"). Errors in parsing (the process of tokenising) and structuring this information) are therefore common and can be extremely damaging. We know for example of cases where "CL" (chlorine) has been converted to "C" (carbon) by incorrectly written parsers for the ubiquitous PDB format.
XML enables authors to remove all syntactic ambiguity and this, in itself, is an undramatic but major step forward for chemical informatics. XML has solved many troublesome syntactic problems (e.g. how to include end-of-line characters, to quote quotes and so forth).
This allows meaning to be added to tokens or larger components of documents. The above example could be rewritten as:
Note that semantics provide a method for adding meaning or behaviour and do not in themselves indicate the meaning. XML describes this as a DATE element with #PCDATA (i.e. string) content "111095", but this does tell us what a "DATE" is or how to interpret "111095". Humpty-Dumpty can choose to interpret <GLORY> as meaning a "nice knock-down argument", and this is a central concern for this article. Humans are sometimes good at guessing the meaning of tagsets, but machines are not.
There are at least three approaches to adding semantics.
(a) Creating a generally agreed tagset. HTML is the best example of this and all HTML-compliant software treats <A href="foo"> in the same way, i.e. a hyperlink. Other tagsets (formally referred to as Document Type Definitions or DTDs) may treat <A> in other ways (author, answer, etc.). XML itself does not create tagsets, but some of its applications (such as XSL, the eXtensible Stylesheet Language, and SVG, Structured Vector Graphics) do. It is likely that the W3C will sanction in the region of 10-20 DTDs for use in horizontal application, including Mathematics, but this will not extend to chemistry. In this article we propose a base set of tags for markup in chemistry. Meaning can be added to a fixed tagset either by reformatting the input so that humans instinctively understand it (e.g. bullets can be added before <LI> elements) or by attaching programmatic functionality. Many browsers interpret <IMG SRC="foo.gif"> to read the contents of the file foo.gif as a GIF image and display it at the current position in the document. Other browsers e.g. concerned with accessibility may simply print an alternative text string <IMAGE alt="help"> or pipe the text to a speech synthesiser.
(b) Adding programmatic functionality through (modular) code. Thus a browser encountering
<molecule href="foo.pdb" mimeType="chemical/x-pdb"/>
might interpret this as a command to regard the contents of foo.pdb as a Protein DataBank file and display it with appropriate software. We expect that authors will wish to attach programmatic functionality to some of the proposed tagset in this article.
(c) Linking to glossaries/ontologies/metadata. This is an almost essential approach for robust markup. Thus the DATE element above cannot be universally interpreted without explicit or implicit links to a formal description. <DATE convention="ISO-8601">1999-11-10</DATE> would specify the object as a date with month="11" and day="10". Similarly the TIME field is meaningless without specifying the (probably default) timezone information and other constraints. ISO11179 is likely to become an important standard for describing metadata in XML.
These represent formal descriptions of terms, concepts, behaviour etc. Creating and using useful ontologies is an extremely challenging task for those exchanging and re-using data. In some cases - such as <DATE> or <FLOAT> it is likely that we can identify existing standards (ISO, IEEE, IETF, etc.) which encapsulate what we wish to describe and provide enough power to do it precisely. If the concepts are independent of human language then a global consensus may be possible, as the task is primarily to alert the electronic community to adopt a common approach. In many cases more than one ontology may be in common use for a particular concept. In an ideal case the curators of the ontologies will have provided equivalences between different ontologies. Thus ISO standards often reference each other or other standards bodies. For an ontology to be valuable it must be widely used and provided by a curatorial process, which is widely accepted. An example is the CIF dictionaries from the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). These have been worked out in public view, triennially reviewed by the Union and published in electronic form. The crystallographic community is sufficiently cohesive that it is likely that the CIF ontology and associated metadata (e.g. ranges, units) will be universally accepted in appropriate publications or computer programs. Rather than using the ambiguous term "temperature factor" crystallographers can globally refer to a construct such as "atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv", the metadata for which includes ranges, units and the algorithm for converting to other representations. In many cases, however, terms are used for concepts whose interpretation differs between communities or between individuals. Thus almost every chemist will have a slightly different personal interpretation of what is, or is not, a "molecule". Where we can we should reference accepted authorities (e.g. IUPAC, ACS, CAS, IUCr, IUPAB etc.). By its nature, however, the ontology of chemistry cannot be captured by any person or organisation. We regard Linus Pauling’s "The Nature of the Chemical Bond" as representing the last time that a chemical ontology was feasible, and then only by a genius. In this article we very deliberately do not attempt to develop or reconcile chemical ontologies.
Current molecular "file formats" and database entries normally choose a subset of available information that can be captured. Many older formats are based on fixed length records (often 80 characters) and a restricted order for those records and this limits or completely denies extensibility. In general two different formats have different ontologies and cover a different subset of chemical information space.
Every piece of chemical software uses its own ontology, usually implicitly. The relevant information has to be supplied in the input files, but because the implementation of ontologies is very expensive, the program is usually built to accept a small number of filetypes. When chemical information is passed from one program to another, ontological conversion is necessary. However only the concepts present in both ontologies can be passed, and this normally leads to information loss. For example, a PDB file does not explicitly hold bond orders, while an MDL-molfile does not hold occupancies. Both these concepts are therefore lost in an interconversion. There is also often an ontological loss since the meaning of a common concept (e.g. bond order) may be different in both.
CML has been designed to allow conversion from legacy files to CML without information loss. In some cases this is because the information can be represented in an abstract, convention-free form. In other cases, however, this is essentially a syntactic conversion with annotation of the original convention (i.e. ontology) used While we do not believe a single ontology is possible for chemistry, the use of CML may highlight agreement on some ontological subsets. We continue to emphasize that conversion from CML to other formats will probably involve information loss. The use of CML as input to programs should make it easier to identify chemical information in files and to convert where this is possible.
Currently "documents" and "data" use distinct technologies that do not easily interoperate. Documents are mainly managed by wordprocessing packages, whilst data are managed by relational or object-oriented databases. Holding data in a wordprocessor format is at best proprietary, whilst databases do not have good facilities for structured text. Thus in a conventional "publication", the data and its textual description are often separated. In the WWW context this often appears frustrating because one or other of the components are not on free public access, or in a form not easily associated with the other. In databases we cannot refer to the "full-text" of the article the data relates to. In full-text journals, the "data" are often missing, relegated to supplemental information or expressed as scanned images of pages. A key aspect of XML is that it allows conventional "documents" and "data" to be seamlessly integrated into a single XML document instance. Thus:
<analytical>The <link id="23"> final product</link> had a <item type="float" title="melting point" glossary="terms.xml#mpt" units="K"> <value>345.6</value><min>343</min><max>347</max></item>which agrees well with <link href="citations.xml#23">other measurements</link> for this material.</analytical>contains running text (which could be styled and printed) as well as precisely identified and ontologically described numeric data. With XSL the fragment above could be rendered into a human readable report or entered into a database. When XML authoring tools allow the facile creation of such documents, the community will have easy access to a much higher quality of re-usable published information. As an example, we could retrieve all the melting points in a given document by an XQL search of the form:
which means "find all <items>s with a glossary attribute corresponding to a melting point, extract the child of element name value and return its text value". Note that we do not have to know the structure of the document, and can ignore other elements we are not interested in. In this way the document becomes a portable database of considerable power. The author may not even be aware that their document may be re-used in this or other ways. The greatest hurdle to re-use is not technology but the (semi-altruistic) commitment to providing a free service to others in the community. J. D. Bernal urged us to: "get the best information in the minimum quantity in the shortest time, from the people who are producing the information to the people who want it, whether they know they want it or not" (our emphasis)
Creating markup languages for a domain is challenging because fuzzy ontological concepts have to be mapped onto precise syntax and semantics. The biggest opportunity, and also the problem, is that the success of XML has enabled effective semantic support for ontologies, but that most users of information have never been exposed to these disciplines or concepts. In chemistry there has been a graphical approach to the ontology of chemical structure for over 150 years and most chemists are trained to think in this way. More recently it has been possible to devise machine processable ontologies for restricted domains such as organic molecules, crystal structures, proteins and nucleic acids.
Graphical approaches normally hide many ontological problems and, for example, machine processing of graphical representations is not generally successful. A similar problem exists in mathematics where typography and layout have been a key approach for several hundred years. This expressiveness is essential for developing new ideas in mathematics but it makes it difficult for machines to process typeset mathematics, as presented in the TeX system.
The W3C decided that mathematics was a key activity and set up a working group, with membership from learned societies, publishers, software houses, etc. This meets regularly both face-to-face and virtually to develop the language and to make a vendor-neutral Recommendation for MathML. A fundamental feature of MathML is that it must interoperate with other W3C protocols, including a set of initial design requirements. At an early stage it was decided that MathML must support both presentational aspects and semantic content. The presentation could approach the expressive power of TeX (for human readers) while the semantics should support the use of mathematics for technical disciplines, maths education, and be processable by symbolic algebra packages. In the recent Recommendation both approaches are supported and authors have a choice of which to use.
CML has been developed in a similar spirit, though so far without a formal procedure. Several CML drafts have been published on the Internet with invitations to comment solicited and responses to comments made. A number of organisations have adopted CML or are in process of doing so. It is our intention that CML or its descendant(s) is ultimately adopted by appropriate trusted vendor-neutral organisation(s) in the chemical community. The design features have been abstracted from similar W3C activities, with chemical additions where appropriate.
(a) CML must be ontologically neutral. At present most molecular "file formats" contain complex, often implicit, ontologies which are not necessarily reconcilable between different formats. Thus many systems can describe "aromatic bonds" or "formal charges", but these concepts are not completely portable. In other words simply mapping (say) bonds designated of order 4 (MDL-molfile) to the designation -5 (CCDC file) may be ontologically unsound since the algorithms used to create these may be different. Hydrogen counts, formal charges, atom "types", bond orders, and valences are related in a complex manner and are not always used consistently. In some systems bond orders are related to measured lengths, in others to calculated properties and in others to electron counts. Therefore while CML must support the concept of bond order it cannot arbitrate between different uses. CML has a minimal ontology that is primarily for convenience in managing the components. Thus <cml:molecule> has no chemical significance and functions purely as both a handle for the author to use for a concept and as a container for <atom>s, <bond>s <electron>s, other <molecule> and anything else. Most relevantly it announces the components around which software may be built.
(b) CML cannot anticipate the uses it is put to. An author may wish to describe a hypothetical molecule; CML must not forbid this, although it may not actively support it. A theoretical article may wish to discuss the difference between a Kekule structure and the "equivalent" delocalised one.
(c) CML cannot provide chemical perception. Chemists are trained to recognise features in molecules and frequently to make mental translations between them. Common examples might be tautomers, delocalised systems, conformations, representations of bond types (double, dative, bipolar). It is dangerous to design any interconversion protocol that would be automatically applied.
There is also often considerable fuzziness in chemical information. For example the reaction schemes:
C6H5CH3 + Cl2 -> C6CH5CH2Cl + HCl
C6H5CH3 + Cl2 -> C6CH5CH2Cl + ClC6H4CH3
make different semantic use of the "+" on the right hand side, meaning either products in equimolar amounts or alternative products. Chemists are trained to make the distinction (often subconsciously), but this is a difficult context-sensitive analysis which machines cannot be expected to make. It takes considerable effort to design a general reaction-based representation.
Other areas of fuzziness often arise from graphical representations introduced primarily for printed representation of molecular structures. Examples are:
In CML we have taken an approach to global and local stereochemistry based on the chiral volume (or other scalar quantity) related to identified points (atoms or dummy atoms). It can be extended to cover metal coordination spheres. This has the value of being independent of drawing conventions, recursive algorithms for atom priority, or local stereochemistry.
CML in other words has been designed to support the molecular components in structured documents. It would be impossible, indeed arrogant, to try to devise an all-embracing language and many complex areas, e.g. combinatorial chemistry, are not yet specifically supported. However the simple building blocks in CML can be combined to create languages of greater power when required.
This is a key feature of XML and central to CML. The XML philosophy encourages designers of DTDs to separate content and presentation wherever possible. This means that the content can be re-used or re-presented at a later stage if required. This is often difficult and for CML we have been helped by the design of MathML. MathML allows for presentational mathematics, i.e. it dictates the layout of the symbols and their typesetting, and is heavily influenced by Knuth’s TeX system, the lingua franca of mathematics publication. However TeX as a presentational format cannot always be parsed unambiguously into its semantic components; thus "fx" could mean the variable "fx", f.x, or f(x). Therefore MathML introduced additional support for "content", where the markup could be algorithmically parsed by symbolic algebra packages. The primary aim for CML therefore, is to capture the content of chemistry rather than its presentation.
We welcome, therefore, the complementary presentational approach developed in the accompanying article by Fujita who has extended his XyMTeX system to use XML syntax. We hope to explore how CML and XyMTeX documents can be interconverted. Externalising both into XML will be a major part of the solution.
XML "documents" can describe a very wide range of chemical information, including "publications" in journals, reports, memos, patents, regulatory processes, etc. Entries in databases could include
From an extensive study of these and other chemical objects we have identified a number of generic component types. In many cases these are isomorphous component types being used in other disciplines. Thus a melting point (see above) has the same abstract structure as the price of an item or the age of a person. The abstract data type might be "floating point number, with units, allowed range and links to metadata". Since the W3C is actively developing several types of abstract XML information object, it makes great sense to re-use these wherever possible, rather than re-inventing them in a chemical context. If we can do this, we greatly widen the applicability, support, and tools available and drastically reduce the acceptance and training required.
We re-use concepts and protocols from the W3C and other bodies wherever possible. It is entirely possible in the future that some of the current components in CML might then be replaced at an appropriate date by accepted W3C approaches. The abstract data types we have encountered widely in "chemical publications" are listed in Table 2. In each case we have listed one or more XML-based protocols to support them.
Table 2. Chemically Relevant data types and Associated XML-based Protocols.
Data Type |
XML-based Protocol |
Running text, with inserted objects |
HTML or XHTML (XML conforming HTML) |
Numeric data with units and metadata |
XMLSchemaa |
Graphical and image data |
Mathematical variables, equations and other quantities |
MathML |
Tabular data |
Graphs |
SVGa |
Molecular structures and crystallographic data |
CMLa |
Reactions |
CMLa + LINK/XMLSchemaa |
Structured figures (e.g. reaction schemes) |
Macromolecular objects |
BSMLa, BioMLa, CMLa |
Metadata |
RDFa, ISO11179/XMIa |
Hypermedia |
XLINKa + XPointera |
Citations and other bibliographic material |
Terminology |
MARTIF/ISO12200, VHG/ISO12620 |
Specification under development.XML is designed to be extensible in several ways. We envisage at least four such mechanisms.
(a) Allowing communities to develop their own tagset (e.g. MathML, CML). A community can decide to use an established ontology and represent it in XML or to create a new one. In the area of biological sequences there are currently two proposals for managing sequence data (BSML, BioML) it will be important to ensure that they have ontological interoperability with e.g. the CORBA-based systems of many of the (inter)national data providers.
In developing tagsets there are several strategic decisions to be made:
(b) Allowing different tagsets to be combined in a document instance, through XML namespaces. This is an important development in XML because components from different DTDs can be combined without risk of tag-collision. Thus CML might define an <element> element (for "chemical element") while XSL already defines an <element> for "XML element". These collisions can be avoided with namespaces, so that the document might contain:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl"> […] <xsl:element> <cml:element xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org">... </cml:element> </xsl:element> </xsl:stylesheet>
There is guaranteed planetwide uniqueness because the namespace prefixes (xsl, cml) are mapped to the unique URIs shown. In this way we can confidently include all the DTDs mentioned in the above list as collision-free, even without knowing their individual tagsets.
(c) Complex and irregular data structure. Conventional approaches (RDBs or tables have difficulty including information that does not map to rectangular form. XML can include nested trees to any depth. Thus, for example, a molecule that contains 13C and 35Cl could include a chemical shift for the carbon and a quadrupole moment for the chlorine. <molecule>s could contain information from a wide range of disciplines or be similarly contained.
(d) Arbitrarily complex linking. Any element(s) in an XML document can be linked to any other element(s) with user-defined roles. In this way complex relationships can be built, while using standard XLINK approaches. A chemical reaction can often be described by identifying the reactant molecule(s), the solvent and conditions, and the product molecule(s). Every <atom> in every molecule can be uniquely identified (e.g. by the XML id attribute). The mapping of atoms in the reactant to those in the product is a list of XLINKs. In a similar way a reaction scheme can be thought of as a collection of simpler objects: molecules, numeric values, descriptive annotations, etc.
The WWW process usually includes initial goals and these have been outstandingly useful. Those for XML were:
"CML shall be compatible with XML and shall re-use its ideas and technology".
Other goals derived from the XML philosophy are listed below.
The current version of CML has been created to support a wide number of concepts in chemistry. In this article we address the simpler aspects of the ontology and leave more complex issues to a later publication. In some cases this is so we can gather feedback about the us of the current draft, in others it is to await forthcoming constructs of XML such as XLINK and XML Schemas, and for others it is because there is little shared ontology within the chemical community. The following are some of the topics we reserve for a future draft.
Following these criteria we propose a set of components for CML (Table 3). A DTD is included (Appendix) which lists all the tags and their attributes, but mainly has content models of "ANY", i.e. that element can contain any number of any other elements (or #PCDATA) in any order. Essentially the DTD declares the tagset and attributes but leaves open how they are structured. CML is intended to be combined with elements from other relevant XML DTDs.
We note first that CML elements will often be prefixed with a namespace, e.g. <cml:molecule> but these prefixes are omitted in the entries shown in Table 3. Elements either contain other elements (an element content) or strings (called #PCDATA in XML). Note also that many of the atom- and bond-based properties are added through primitive datatypes (e.g. <float>) with the CML functionality determined by the value of the builtin attribute (Table 4).
A specific problem arises for the basic data types other than strings, because these are not yet finalised in XML. We have therefore included the following "obvious" element types which are needed for XML and will be provided by the emerging XML Schema activity:
<float> <integer> <string> <date> <boolean> <list> <enumeration> <array>
Because of the design of XML and the power of XSL it will be possible to algorithmically convert these elements to whatever element types are defined in XML Schema. CML can be kept small because it describes just the generally agreed chemical components of a system. The other basic criterion for inclusion in the CML tagset is that the element or attribute gives information about what the chemical component(s) is. The most obvious are atom identity, position in space, atom properties that affect the identity, Examples would be isotope, occupancy, but specifically not chemical shift, formal charge, hydrogen count, etc. Measured properties such as e.g. vibrational frequencies are expected to be held in <float> or similar elements and linked to glossaries. Accordingly, we propose the following fundamental components;
<atom> <bond> <electron> <molecule>
<crystallography> <reaction> <sequence> <feature>
Table 3. The CML Element Set.
Element Name |
Description |
Type of Content (c.f. Table 1) |
molecule. |
A generic container for any assemblage of atoms, bonds or other molecules |
Element content, most normally, atomArray, bondArray and other molecules. |
formula. |
A generic container for molecular constitution. |
The content and semantics are undefined. |
atom and atomArray |
Describes an atom or set of atoms can be extensibly qualified with properties. |
Element content. |
bond and bondArray |
Describes a bond or set of bonds can be extensibly qualified with properties. |
Element content |
crystal. |
A container for crystallographic information such as spacegroup, cell dimensions and symmetry that is required to build an extended structure from fractional coordinates. It includes cell parameters, spacegroup and entities/cell. Symmetry operators can be included as <floatMatrix> if required. All experimental crystallographic information such as wavelength of radiation would use <float>, etc linked to appropriate dictionaries |
Element content |
reaction. |
A container for the components of a reaction; semantics are not defined in CML-1999-05-15, although a suggestion is given below. |
Element content |
electron |
A container for information on electrons. The semantics are not defined CML-1999-05-15, but allow <link>s to point to atoms and bonds associated with the electrons. |
Element content |
sequence and feature. |
These support protein sequence and its annotation. sequence can be qualified by convention to describe the convention (e.g. 1-letter codes) and holds the sequence as a single #PCDATA string. feature is a placeholder to annotate sequence- and structure-specific sites (e.g. mutations and active sites). It is likely to be implemented by contained XLINKs. |
Element content |
float, integer, string, floatArray, integerArray, stringArray, floatMatrix date, boolean, list, enumeration |
Primitive data types, mainly for components of other CML element. |
Usually #PCDATA content. |
coordinate2, coordinate3, angle, torsion |
Specialised primitive data types for supporting cartesian, fractional and internal coordinates for molecular structure. |
#PCDATA content |
link. |
A simple hyperlink to act as a pointer between molecular components (e.g. linking electrons to the associated atoms or bonds). |
#PCDATA content at present, though probably extended to XLINK syntax for extended links when appropriate. |
Because so many chemicals are categorised in the solid state, support for crystallography is included, as are placeholders for reactions and also for macromolecular sequences and feature. We have also created a small number of additional primitive dataTypes such as <angle>, <torsion>, <coordinate2> and <coordinate3>. In some cases where there are large numbers of primitives such as <float> it is useful to compress them into a compacted arrangement and so <floatArray>, etc. are provided. In general these hold string content of whitespace-separated primitives; for <stringArray> we allow for a user-defined delimiter character.
There are a small number of properties or builtin attributes associated with these elements that are hardcoded into the language. However most other properties and the relationships and annotations described above are provided by generic XML mechanisms. A rule of thumb is that software to process CML documents should provide support for the builtin properties. This will be essential if the document is to be converted algorithmically to another chemical filetype such as e.g. one of the chemical/* MIME types).
Small molecules are representable in CML with the <atom> and <bond> elements and these should be used where possible as they give both precision and flexibility. However for large molecules (e.g. proteins) this would result in a very large number of elements, perhaps over 100000. Building such large trees is often expensive in time and memory and because of the essentially rectangular nature of the <atom> and <bond> information we have created a syntactic equivalent through <atomArray> and <bondArray>. These two elements are used as follows:
All <atom> children of a <molecule> are grouped and replaced by a single <atomArray> element. Its children correspond to the <string>, <float>, etc. children of each atom and are represented by <stringArray>, <floatArray>, etc. Thus H-O-Cl. can be represented using either <atom> and <bond> elements or the corresponding arrays;
<molecule> <atom id="a1"> <string builtin="elementType">H</string> </atom> <atom id="a2"> <string builtin="elementType">O</string> </atom> <atom id="a3"> <string builtin="elementType">Cl</string> </atom> <bond id="b1" atomRefs="a1 a2"> <string builtin="order">1</string> </bond> <bond id="b2" atomRefs="a3 a2"> <string builtin="order">1</string> </bond> </molecule>can also be expressed as
<molecule> <atomArray> <stringArray builtin="id">a1 a2 a3</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="elementType">H O Cl</stringArray> </atomArray> <bondArray> <stringArray builtin="id">b1 b2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRef">a1 a2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRef">a2 a3</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="order">1 1</stringArray> </bondArray> </molecule>
Note that this should only be used for large files with many elements. XML documents have been shown to compress very efficiently and there is unlikely to be any gain in using the array format purely for this process. Note also that generic XML tools will not be able to carry out some types of operation on the array format such as e.g. fine-grained atomistic searches.
In XML functionality is often added through attributes and these are used widely in CML. There are many generic attributes that can be found on most elements and the main ones are:
id. XML uses unique identifiers as the target of links, and it is useful good practice to label all information components with an id. This makes it easy to abstract and re-use components, such as molecules. XML has a convention and syntax (Xpointer) for locating information components in documents and id is strongly recommended. Note that the value of an XML id is restricted to alphanumeric characters and a very few punctuation characters. Where published Ids do not fit this convention (e.g. " CA 3", which contains whitespace) other attributes or elements are provided, e.g. atomId for <atom>. These should not be used for linking.
convention. This allows CML authors to identify the convention used for a given element. There is no defined list of values, but it will be certainly be useful to include the major file types in the chemical/* MIME list. A convention attribute on an element is assumed to be inherited by all the descendants of the element. Thus the <atom> elements in <molecule convention="PDB"><atom>...</atom>...</molecule> would be assumed to use the PDB convention unless overridden by another convention attribute. Implementers of CML-aware software may be able to take advantage of the conventions.
builtin. This adds essential properties to atoms and bonds (Table 4). The key intention is to describe the identity of molecular and other chemical species, while further extension is done through the convention attribute.
count. Atoms, molecules and electrons may be qualified by a multiplier, which may be useful for describing stoichiometry. The default is 1.0. count attributes in descendants are multiplied by count attributes on ancestors.
title. The value of this attribute is primarily for display, and many browsing tools will show the title by default. It may also be used for adding semantics, and can usefully serve as a search field. It is of limited use for adding ontology unless linked to a dictionary (e.g. through dictRef) or convention. Thus <item title="foo" convention="bar"> suggests that a definition of foo can be found in the convention bar.
size, rows, columns. Constraints on the contents of array and matrix primitives.
min, max. Minimum and maximum allowed values of the y.
href, atomRef, atomRefs, dictRef, unitsRef. Many elements have links to others, such as glossary elements. CML also uses links to describe basic structures such as bonds and reactions. Thus a bond consists of 2 or more links to atoms, which must have declared unique ids in the document. Linking allows complex structures, so that e.g. a 3-center bond can be described by links to 3 atoms (in an atomRefs attribute). dictRef is provided for linking to glossaries or dictionaries. unitsRef gives a link to scientific units for a quantity. Note that since ids should not contain whitespace, the atomRefs value will consist of a series of whitespace-separated ids, where the whitespace is normalised to a single space.
The following case-sensitive builtin attributes are currently hardcoded into CML. They are normally attached to an element which takes PCDATA content and in some cases determine which primitive dataTypes (e.g. <float>) are appropriate. The default content is string. Example:
<atom> <float builtin="occupancy">0.5</float> </atom>
The possible values of this attribute are listed by the element name of the parent (Table 4).
Table 4. Builtin Attributes in CML.
CML Element Attributes |
Description |
Datatype |
children of atom and atomArray |
x2, y2 (or xy2) |
Two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates for chemical structure diagrams. Arbitrary units, until the screen and other coordinate system standards are defined for Web use. |
float/integer |
x3, y3, z3 (or xyz3) |
3-dimensional Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom units (10E-10 metre). If other units are required, a units attribute can be added. |
float. |
xFract, yFract, zFract or xyzFract |
. Fractional coordinates relative to a cell length from crystallography. |
float. |
elementType |
Any string describing the element, but the element symbol from IUPAC is recommended. In cases where a range of elements is possible a separate element may need to be defined. Non-standard element symbols can be used for pseudo-elements, e.g. Me for methyl or dummies, R1 in Markush formulae. |
string |
atomId |
The atom identifier. This is NOT the same as the id attribute (which should obey XML id rules and must be unique within an XML document). atomId can be any string, which the authors use to identify an atom. Significant whitespace as in " CA1" (PDB syntax) and punctuation is allowed but should be avoided if possible |
id. |
isotope. |
The mass of the isotope |
float/integer. |
occupancy |
The fraction of atom present (primarily from crystallography). |
float. |
hydrogenCount |
Total hydrogen count on atom whether explicit or not. |
float/integer. |
atomParity |
Atom-based stereochemistry derived from chiral volume of ligands. Convention-dependent. |
float/integer. |
formalCharge |
Allows an electron count of the atom and molecule to be made. Unrelated to any experimental or theoretical charge (which could be added by an additional atomArray). |
float/integer |
children of bond and bondArray |
atomRef and atomRefs |
String. Ids for atoms involved in the bond. Which end of the bond is given first depends on the convention and may not matter. |
id. |
order |
The formal bond order, e.g. as in a chemical structure diagram. There is currently a confusion of conventions and CML does not intend to arbitrate. Thus some systems have a provision for an aromatic bond with arbitrary numeric descriptor while others use alternating single and double bonds. It is recommended that convention attributes be used frequently to avoid misunderstandings |
string. |
stereo |
Some systems use wedge and hatch bonds to denote relative stereochemistry. For many conventions this is only usable with a 2-dimensional structural diagram and is open to misinterpretation, e.g. different coordinate systems could invert the stereochemistry. Moreover it is not as powerful as the atom- and dummy-atom-centered parity. |
string. |
children of crystal |
acell, bcell, ccell |
Cell lengths Default units are Angstrom. float. alpha, beta, gamma. Cell angles. Default units are degrees. float. z. Number of entities per cell |
integer/float |
alpha, beta, gamma |
Cell angles. Default units are degrees. |
float. |
z |
Number of entities per cell. |
integer/float |
spacegroup |
The spacegroup. convention should be given |
string. |
CML has been designed so that it is as easy as possible to write processing software. It is not expected that all CML-aware applications should implement all the functionality described in the DTD. When a CML application cannot process an element an attempt will be made to route it unchanged to any output. XML provides a rich set of generic tools for this sort of process.
In general the CML-specific functionality is indicated by the builtin elements; CML-aware software should address some or all of these. Thus an application receiving an input of <floatArray builtin="xFract"> should be aware that it should search the neighbouring elements for a <crystal> element if it wishes to orthogonalise these values. This search facility can be provided by embedding XSL or XQL functionality in the program, or using these tools as a pre-processor.
Many conventional housekeeping operations in normal software can be provided by generic XML functions. Deleting an atom from a conventional connection table, and associated atom and bond properties, is often tedious and error-prone. In CML it may be sufficient to locate all elements which contain or reference a given atom id and to amend or delete them.
We expect that as generic software becomes XML-aware, and there are signs that this is happening rapidly, there will be a move to providing CML-aware interfaces to programs, instruments, databases, etc. Until that is universal it will be necessary to have 2-way legacy conversion programs. As noted before, conversion to CML is usually without loss, but conversion in the other direction may lose information.
We expect to build a library of CML-aware tools, and to provide examples of how generic XML software can be used in CML applications.
Example 1. This describes an ensemble of 1 Oxygen atom, 2 deuterium atoms and 9 electrons (which might be a singly positively ionised heavy water molecule). Although it is more verbose than normal chemical notation, it is searchable by generic tools and available for algorithmic analysis without worrying about syntax. An alternative syntax below for large molecules is given in example 3.
<!DOCTYPE molecule SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <molecule id="deuteriumOxideIon"> <atom count="2"> <string builtin="elementType">H</string> <float builtin="isotope" >2</float> </atom> <atom count="1"> <string builtin="elementType">O</string> </atom> <electron count="9"/> </molecule>
Example 2. A crystallographic example. From this information and the spacegroup it is possible to recreate the whole unitcell and contents Note that xfract, etc. are fractional coordinates, acell is the cell dimension in Angstrom units (by default, others are possible).
<!DOCTYPE molecule SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <molecule title="salt" id="sodiumChloride"> <crystal> <string builtin="spacegroup" convention="HM">Fm3m</string> <float builtin="acell">5.8</float> </crystal> <atom> <string builtin="elementType">Na</string> <float builtin="xFract">0.0</float> <float builtin="yFract">0.0</float> <float builtin="zFract">0.0</float> <integer builtin="formalCharge">+1</integer> </atom> <atom> <string builtin="elementType">Cl</string> <coordinate3 builtin="xyzFract">0.5 0.0 0.0</coordinate3> </atom> </molecule>
Example 3. Although <atom> and <bond> may be used for small molecules it is often more compact and more robust to link all atoms together by property. The atomArray and bondArray elements are used for this.
<!DOCTYPE molecule SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <molecule id="dimethylformamide"> <atomArray> <stringArray builtin="id"> H1 C1 O1 N1 Me1 Me2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="elementType "> H C O N C C</stringArray> <integerArray builtin="hydrogenCount">0 1 0 1 3 3</integerArray> </atomArray> <bondArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRefs">C1 C1 C1 N1 N1</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRefs">H1 O1 N1 Me1 Me2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="order">1 2 1 1 1</stringArray> </bondArray> <!--this is a comment. The molecule is: Me1 H1 \ | N1-C1=O1 / Me2 --> </molecule>
For large molecules this provides a concise, fully marked up syntax. All <atomArray>s must be the same length and so, separately, must <bondArray>s. The formatting of the <atomArray> is not mandatory and any whitespace simply acts as a delimiter. Each atom must have an id. Note that hydrogen atoms can be given explicitly or implicitly through hydrogenCount, which allows for flexibility in representation.
Example 4. Advanced use of the <atom> Element.
<!-- ==START===========Example 4====================--> <!-- use of <atom> --> <!DOCTYPE atom SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <atom id="a.001"> <string builtin="elementType">C</string> <coordinate2 title="Screen coordinates (arbitrary)" builtin="xy2">100.0 200.0</coordinate2> <coordinate3 title="Cartesian 3D coordinates (pm)" unitsRef="units.pm" builtin="xyz3">1.234 2.345 4.456</coordinate3> <coordinate3 title="xyzFractional 3D coordinates" builtin="xyzFract">0.234 -0.123 0.347</coordinate3> <float builtin="occupancy">0.57</float> <integer builtin="isotope">13</integer> <string builtin="residueType">Gly</string> <string title="residueId" builtin="residueId">G32A</string> <float title="B-factor" dictRef="_atom_b_iso">10.8</float> <integer builtin="formalCharge">0</integer> <integer builtin="hydrogenCount">3</integer> </atom> <!-- ==END=============Example 4====================-->
Example 5. Advanced use of the <bond> Element.
<!-- ==START===========Example 5====================--> <!-- use of <bond> including internal coordinates --> <!DOCTYPE molecule SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <molecule> <!-- atoms omitted - assumed to have IDs a.001, a.002, a.003 a.004 --> <bond id="b1" atomRefs="a.001 a.002"> <float title="equilibrium bond length" units="pm">123.4</float> <string title="formal bond order" builtin="order">2</string> </bond> <bond id="b2" atomRefs="a.003 a.002"> <float title="equilibrium bond length" units="pm">144.4</float> <string title="formal bond order" builtin="order">1</string> </bond> <angle id="ang12" atomRefs="a.003 a.002 a.001" title="equilibrium bond angle" units="degrees">144.4</angle> <torsion id="tor1" atomRefs="a.003 a.002 a.001 a.004" title="gauche conformation" units="degrees">-55.5</torsion> </molecule> <!-- ==END=============Example 5====================-->Example 6. Example of a possible Reaction Definition
<!-- ==START===========Example 6====================--> <!-- use of <reaction> --> <!DOCTYPE reaction SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" []> <!-- possible example of a reaction: define a set of molecules first (mol1 ... mol4) --> <reaction> <list title="reactants"> <link href="mol1"/> <link href="mol2"/> </list> <list title="products"> <link href="mol3"/> <link href="mol4"/> </list> <list title="conditions"> <float title="temperature" units="K">180</float> <link title="solvent" href="solv03"/> </list> </reaction> <!-- ==END=============Example 6====================-->
CML is extensible in several ways such as by adding customised content to elements. Thus the connection table already used as an example can be extended so the molecule contains additional information:
<!DOCTYPE molecule SYSTEM "CML-1999-05-15.dtd" [ <!ATTLIST molecule xmlns CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT h:html ANY> <!ATTLIST h:html xmlns:h CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT emph ANY> <!ELEMENT p ANY> <!ELEMENT pre ANY> ]> <molecule xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org" id="formamide"> <!--start of connection table--> <atomArray> <stringArray builtin="id"> H1 C1 O1 N1 Me1 Me2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="elementType "> H C O N C C</stringArray> <integerArray builtin="hydrogenCount">0 1 0 1 3 3</integerArray> </atomArray> <bondArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRefs">C1 C1 C1 N1 N1</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="atomRefs">H1 O1 N1 Me1 Me2</stringArray> <stringArray builtin="order">1 2 1 1 1</stringArray> </bondArray> <!--end of connection table--> <!--this is a comment. The molecule is: Me1 H1 \ | N1-C1=O1 / Me2 --> <!--additional information to show how the molecule XML-element can be extended--> <h:html xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/TR/html20"> <p>Formamide is the simplest amide ...</p> <!--(This is a comment) Note how HTML text can be included in a CML molecule XML-element. The CML namespace applies to the atomArray and bondArray XML-elements, but is overridden by the HTML namespace declaration.--> <p>This represents a <emph>connection table</emph> for formamide. The structure corresponds to the diagram:</p> <pre> H3 H1 \ / N1-C1=O1 / H2 </pre> </h:html> <!-- This is a comment. We are back in CML namespace --> <float title="molecularWeight" units="g">45.03</float> <list title="local information"> <link title="safety" href="/safety/chemicals.xml#formamide"/> <string title="location">Storeroom 12.3</string> </list> </molecule>
The molecule contains additional information to simulate an internal catalogue entry. It could easily include, or be linked to, spectra, commercial details, local uses, etc. Extending properties of atoms or bonds is also possible. Thus if the molecule had been analysed crystallographically each atom might have an isotropic ‘temperature factor’ B. These could be included by an inserted atomArray:
<floatArray title="B-factor" convention="PDB" type="float" delimiter=";">;23.0;25.0;33.0;45.0;45.0</floatArray>The values are specifically delimited, and the example shows that the first value for the H atom is missing/null. For more complex objects, e.g. anisotropic B-factors, which require a matrix, a <list> may be used. This example shows a null matrix for the first atom, a complete upper triangular matrix for the second. Later atoms are omitted.
<atomArray title="aniso-B-factor"> <list> <matrix rows="3" cols="3"></matrix> <matrix rows="3" cols="3" type="upperTriangular"> 10.0 20.0 10.0 23.0 33.0 44.0 </matrix> <!-- … etc …à </list> </atomArray>
In the spirit of the WWW, the latest version of the CML draft will be published on http://www.xml-cml.org/. Versioning will be by date (in ISO 8601 format). It is intended that these drafts remain current for sufficient time for readers to use or implement prototype CML systems.
It is particularly difficult for software implementers to have to support several moving drafts. The XML effort has emphasised this, with ambition sometimes running ahead of the corporate resources of the community to implement and test software. It is therefore important that there is an initial simple version of CML that can be supported and is guaranteed free from change, even though later versions may be more powerful. For this reason we have deliberately omitted complex operations such as reactions and combinatorial chemistry.
XSL has implied support for transformation between different document types. Therefore if syntax changes in the future there will be an algorithmic method for transforming older versions to newer ones.
The language presented here is capable of supporting all the information in the common chemical/* MIME types. CML is not a software system, and does not yet specify Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) or algorithms for validity or transformation. A set of free software will mounted at the xml-cml.org site, although readers are welcome to develop their own. This software will help to define the interpretation of fuzzy parts of the CML draft.
<!-- Appendix A - CML DTD-1999-05-15 --> <!-- Authors: P.Murray-Rust H.Rzepa This DTD is fully described in Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, Vol xxx, 1999, pp. xxx --> <!-- =======================================================--> <!-- PARAMETER ENTITIES --> <!-- =======================================================--> <!-- ======attributes found on almost all elements ==========--> <!ENTITY % title 'title CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % id 'id CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % convention 'convention CDATA "CML"'> <!ENTITY % dictRef 'dictRef CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!-- ======linking information ==============================--> <!ENTITY % simpleLink 'href CDATA #REQUIRED'> <!-- ======quantifiers and constraints on some primitives ===--> <!ENTITY % count 'count CDATA "1"'> <!ENTITY % size 'size CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % rows 'rows CDATA #REQUIRED'> <!ENTITY % columns 'columns CDATA #REQUIRED'> <!-- ======constraints on some numeric data primitives ===--> <!ENTITY % min 'min CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % max 'max CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % units 'units CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % angleUnits 'units (degrees | radians) "degrees"'> <!ENTITY % unitsRef 'unitsRef CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!-- values which may be useful in min and max attributes --> <!ENTITY % integer.zero '0'> <!ENTITY % integer.max '2147483647'> <!ENTITY % integer.min '-2147483648'> <!ENTITY % float.zero '0.0'> <!ENTITY % float.max '8.98846567431158E307'> <!ENTITY % float.min '4.9E-324'> <!-- ======= builtin values for any element ================--> <!ENTITY % builtinId 'id'> <!-- ======= builtin values for atoms ======================--> <!ENTITY % elementType 'elementType'> <!ENTITY % atomId 'atomId'> <!ENTITY % x2 'x2'> <!ENTITY % y2 'y2'> <!ENTITY % x3 'x3'> <!ENTITY % y3 'y3'> <!ENTITY % z3 'z3'> <!ENTITY % xy2 'xy2'> <!ENTITY % xyz3 'xyz3'> <!ENTITY % xFract 'xFract'> <!ENTITY % yFract 'yFract'> <!ENTITY % zFract 'zFract'> <!ENTITY % xyzFract 'xyzFract'> <!ENTITY % occupancy 'occupancy'> <!ENTITY % isotope 'isotope'> <!ENTITY % formalCharge 'formalCharge'> <!ENTITY % nonHydrogenCount 'nonHydrogenCount'> <!ENTITY % hydrogenCount 'hydrogenCount'> <!ENTITY % atomParity 'atomParity'> <!ENTITY % residueType 'residueType'> <!ENTITY % residueId 'residueId'> <!ENTITY % atomStringBuiltin ' %elementType; | %atomId; | %residueType; | %residueId; ' > <!ENTITY % atomFloatBuiltin ' %x2; | %y2; | %x3; | %y3; | %z3; | %xFract; | %yFract; | %zFract; | %occupancy; | %isotope; | %formalCharge; | %hydrogenCount; | %nonHydrogenCount; | %atomParity; ' > <!ENTITY % atomIntegerBuiltin ' %isotope; | %formalCharge; | %hydrogenCount; | %nonHydrogenCount; | %atomParity; ' > <!ENTITY % atomCoordinate2Builtin ' %xy2; ' > <!ENTITY % atomCoordinate3Builtin ' %xyz3; | %xyzFract; ' > <!-- ======= builtin values for bonds ======================--> <!ENTITY % atomRef 'atomRef'> <!ENTITY % builtinAtomRefs 'atomRefs'> <!ENTITY % length 'length'> <!ENTITY % order 'order'> <!ENTITY % stereo 'stereo'> <!ENTITY % atomRefs 'atomRefs CDATA #IMPLIED'> <!ENTITY % bondStringBuiltin ' %atomRef; | %builtinAtomRefs; | %order; | %stereo; ' > <!ENTITY % bondFloatBuiltin ' %length; ' > <!ENTITY % bondIntegerBuiltin '' > <!-- ======= builtin values for crystal ====================--> <!ENTITY % acell 'acell'> <!ENTITY % bcell 'bcell'> <!ENTITY % ccell 'ccell'> <!ENTITY % alpha 'alpha'> <!ENTITY % beta 'beta'> <!ENTITY % gamma 'gamma'> <!ENTITY % z 'z'> <!ENTITY % spacegroup 'spacegroup'> <!ENTITY % crystalStringBuiltin ' %spacegroup; ' > <!ENTITY % crystalFloatBuiltin ' %acell; | %bcell; | %ccell; | %alpha; | %beta; | %gamma; | %z; ' > <!ENTITY % crystalIntegerBuiltin ' %z; ' > <!-- =======================================================--> <!ENTITY % stringBuiltin ' builtin ( %builtinId; | %atomStringBuiltin; | %bondStringBuiltin; | %crystalStringBuiltin; ) #IMPLIED ' > <!ENTITY % floatBuiltin ' builtin ( %atomFloatBuiltin; | %bondFloatBuiltin; | %crystalFloatBuiltin; ) #IMPLIED ' > <!ENTITY % integerBuiltin ' builtin ( %atomIntegerBuiltin; | %crystalIntegerBuiltin; ) #IMPLIED ' > <!ENTITY % coordinate2Builtin ' builtin ( %atomCoordinate2Builtin; ) #IMPLIED ' > <!ENTITY % coordinate3Builtin ' builtin ( %atomCoordinate3Builtin; ) #IMPLIED ' > <!-- =======================================================--> <!-- ELEMENTS for widely used data primitives --> <!-- =======================================================--> <!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST string %title; %id; %stringBuiltin; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT link (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST link %title; %id; %simpleLink; %convention; > <!ELEMENT float (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST float %title; %id; %floatBuiltin; %min; %max; %units; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT integer (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST integer %title; %id; %integerBuiltin; %min; %max; %units; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT stringArray (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST stringArray %title; %id; %stringBuiltin; %size; %min; %max; delimiter CDATA #IMPLIED %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT floatArray (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST floatArray %title; %id; %floatBuiltin; %size; %min; %max; %units; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT integerArray (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST integerArray %title; %id; %integerBuiltin; %size; %min; %max; %units; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT floatMatrix (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST floatMatrix %title; %id; %rows; %columns; %min; %max; %units; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT coordinate2 (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST coordinate2 %title; %id; %coordinate2Builtin; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT coordinate3 (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST coordinate3 %title; %id; %coordinate3Builtin; %unitsRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT angle (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST angle %title; %id; %atomRefs; %angleUnits; %min; %max; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT torsion (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST torsion %title; %id; %atomRefs; %angleUnits; %min; %max; %dictRef; %convention; > <!ELEMENT list ANY> <!ATTLIST list %title; %id; > <!-- =======================================================--> <!-- ELEMENTS for chemical and crystallographic concepts --> <!-- =======================================================--> <!-- NOTE for elements which have element-specific values for the builtin attribute, those values are already listed as entities --> <!-- =======================================================--> <!ELEMENT molecule ANY> <!ATTLIST molecule %title; %id; %count; %dictRef; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT formula ANY> <!ATTLIST formula %title; %id; %count; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT atom ANY> <!ATTLIST atom %title; %id; %count; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- .......................................................--> <!ELEMENT atomArray ANY> <!ATTLIST atomArray %title; %id; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT bond ANY> <!ATTLIST bond %id; %atomRefs; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT bondArray ANY> <!ATTLIST bondArray %id; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT electron ANY> <!ATTLIST electron %id; %count; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ========================================================--> <!ELEMENT reaction ANY> <!ATTLIST reaction %id; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ======================================================= --> <!ELEMENT crystal ANY> <!ATTLIST crystal %title; %id; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ======================================================= --> <!ELEMENT sequence ANY> <!ATTLIST sequence %title; %id; %dictRef; %convention; > <!-- ======================================================= --> <!ELEMENT feature ANY> <!ATTLIST feature %title; %id; %dictRef; %convention; >