Racemization of isobornyl chloride via carbocations: a non-classical look at a classic mechanism.
Henry S. Rzepa and Charlotte S. M. Allan
Interactive Table 1. B3LYP/cc-pVQZ calculated geometries for 3, 6, 8-exo, 8-endo and 9.a |
Description: The Meerwein-Montefort(4) transition state 3.
Show: b
Show: c d
Relative ΔG:e 19.1; COI:f 10042/to-257
Description: The non-classical carbocation 6
Show: g
Relative ΔG:e 0.0; COI: 10042/to-373
Description: The Houben-Pfankuch transition state 8-exo
Relative ΔG:e 11.3, COI: 10042/to-256 |
Description: Stereoelectronically disfavoured 8-endo
Relative ΔG:e 19.6, COI: 10042/to-374 |
Description: Transition state 9
Relative ΔG:e 63.6, COI: 10042/to-375
Description: Crystal structure of 11
aTo view the interactive components of this table, you will need a Java-enabled Web browser, and appropriate security settings to view the model rendered by the Jmol Java applet.
bThe two-electron-3-center region is shown in orange. In this representation, C2-C6 appear connected by a bond, but this is only by virtue of their short internuclear separation, and implies nothing
about the electronic structure of the region.
cFour bond critical points are shown as light blue atoms, the single ring critical point is shown in darker blue.
dThe ELF function, at an isosurface threshold of 0.659. The trisynaptic basin is shown surrounding the transferring hydrogen, colored red.
eThe energy, corrected for thermal and entropic contributions relative to molecule 6, in kcal mol-1.
fThe persistent object identifier resolves to a digital repository entry. This
contains all the archival information necessary for viewing the molecule in a separate program, and has details of the complete calculation itself.
gThe transferring methyl carbon is shown in green, along with the dihedral angle subtended to the adjacent carbocationic centre for both it and the alternative (non-migrating) methyl
Literature cited
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