Molecules in Motion: An Active Chemical Exploratorium
Project Authors:
Conventional chemistry texts almost invariably present the subject
on the printed page, in conventional bound serial form. More
than ever before, chemistry and molecular biology are about the
three dimensional structure of molecules and how this influences their
properties. Such a 3-dimensional subject that has been notoriously
difficult to convey to the reader using the medium of paper, and has
often given the impression of a jargon-ridden "difficult" subject.
In this project we have set ourselves several objectives which we
hope will animate the subject and present molecules in a new
and fascinating manner.
- We have created stories centered around about 150 molecules, sub-divided
into eight classes of system, and with
each story hyperlinked to relevant regions of the molecule.
The selection is designed to demonstrate a range of molecules that are
directly relevant to the experience of people by telling stories
of the history and discovery of the molecules,
and how they used in the everyday world.
The ethos is very much to allow the reader to explore the 3D structure of the molecule
for themselves, in a guided and structured manner. Each molecule is shown as
a manipulable 3D object that the reader can "move themselves", view from
different angles, change from stick structures to space-filling spheres,
as well as at the click-of-a-mouse-button interactively highlight
the parts of the molecule that are important for its application.
- Our audience would range
from high school students and their teachers, through
university level students, to professionals interested in science and
how chemicals and molecules are applied in the modern world.
- We intend to create a low cost product that integrates into the Internet,
so that readers can explore other chemically interesting sites on the World Wide Web
from the context of the stories told on this CD-ROM, and obtain updated
- We intend to create a uniquly new type of product which uses
modern technology to bridge the gap between textbooks and molecular
modelling kits, with the intent of exploring the market for
such products in an educational and informative role.
- We believe that this product should be available in the price range
of £25 - 35.
The production of this product would be undertaken
at Imperial College, to the point of delivering a Gold master for
duplication. The authors would also be responsible for the
creation of photographic images for inclusion on the product, but in collaboration
with the publisher.
The role of the publisher would involve testing, artwork
for the distribution case, editorial advice, marketing, distribution, publicity and sales.
In particular, the publisher will also play a role in making the whole product, written
by several authors, appear as a coherent whole. This might involve
rewriting some of the HTML in some of the pages to produce a consistent
style and format, and to provide advice about the style.
Subject List