Proceedings of the  ECHET96 ConferenceKey Dates

  1. April 26, 1996: Participants contributing a poster or article to the conference, were asked to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words or a diagram summarising the main points, in the form of an e-mail message to, or by filling out this electronic form. Full details are given here.
  2. 6 May 1996: Abstracts were refereed by the scientific advisory panel and contributors were informed whether their abstract was accepted by this date.
  3. 2 June, 1996: Date by which authors of accepted abstracts were asked to submit a full version of the article or poster to the conference editors.
  4. 24 June - 22 July 1996: Period of discussion of the scientific contributions using electronic mail.
  5. 16 August 1996: Deadline for revision of articles or posters or for withdrawal from the conference.
  6. January 1997: Production of CD-ROM proceedings completed.
  7. July 22nd 1998: The on-line revised versions of contributions will remain so until at least this date.

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© ECHET96. February, 1997.