Serving your own Papers
If you have a WWW server running locally, you can mount your material there, and
send just the "URL" to the conference editors. Your local "Webmaster" should have
all the details of how to do this. There are only a small number of "non-standard"
features which you will have to ask the Webmaster to implement. These relate to
MIME types for molecular coordinate files (if you are using them). Two (or more)
entries will have to be added to the server configuration file. If you are
using the NCSA Server, ask for the following two lines to be inserted into the
mime.types file on the server;
chemical/x-pdb .pdb
chemical/x-mdl-molfile .mol
chemical/x-mdl-tgf .tgf
If your site runs the CERN server, the following has to be inserted into the
httpd.conf file;
AddType .pdb chemical/x-pdb 7bit 1.0
AddType .mol chemical/x-mdl-molfile 7bit 1.0
AddType .tgf chemical/x-mdl-tgf 7bit 1.0
The chemical MIME type is in the process of being formally proposed,
and hopefully eventually ratified. Whilst this process is occuring,
the "x" in the above entries signifies an unratified standard.
Its use will be assumed for the ECHET96 conference.
Other HINTS: Because many people across the world may wish to
contact your server, please have regard for the possibility that their
network connections may be quite slow. For example, a HTML file of more than
about 25 Kbytes may take a long time to transfer, as would a large number of GIF
images. If possible, split your documents into many small ones, with an index
page that contains all the relevant information.
© ECHET96. February, 1997.