Welcome to the Proceedings of the ECHET96 Electronic Conference.

This is a joint collaboration between the International Society for Heterocyclic Chemistry, the Royal Society of Chemistry and its Perkin Division Heterocyclic Group. The latter two groups normally organise an international conference every two years. In 1996, it was decided to organise an electronic conference in the alternate year between real meetings, following the success of the ECTOC conference the previous year.

We hope that you find this format interesting chemically, and easy to use. Any suggestions for improving this product are most welcome.

Henry S. Rzepa (Executive Editor)
Department of Chemistry
Imperial college,
London, SW7 2AY
James Snyder (Scientific Editor)
Department of Chemistry,
Emory University
Atlanta, Ga. 30322, USA.

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© ECHET96. February, 1997.