Mosquito assay
The mosquito assay was run using second instar Aedes aegypti larvae
dispensed into MES buffer and treated with serial dilutions of the test
compounds or mixtures in Me2SO stock solutions. After 72 h, the
treatments containing all dead larvae were recorded. The concentration
of test chemical causing 50% lethality was determined using RS/1 (BNB
Software Products Corp.) and reported as the pLC50. Typical assay
variance is ± 0.3 pLC50 units.
Data for the mixtures are reported as relative potencies. Mixture
dilutions were made based upon an average molecular mass and not on
the molecular mass of the individual components. Inactive mixtures
were given a rating of 1, mixtures having weak activity ( pLC50 %lt; 4.4)
were given a rating of 2, mixtures between 4.4 and 4.9 were given a 3
rating and the most active mixtures (> 4.9) were given a rating of 4.
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