- Highly functionalised furanoid and pyranoid glycals are readily available in enantiomerically pure form.
- Acetyl perchlorate initiated dimerisations proceed in good yield with excellent stereochemical control.
- Polymerisation studies using the HI/I2 initiating system with model substrates have indicated some promising results.
- Current work is focused on obtaining higher oligomers and polymers of the functionalised glycals described in this poster noteably the HI/I2 initiation of our functionalised glycal monomers.
- Future work will investigate the effects of differing solvents, catalysts, temperature, duration and concentration in an effort to achieve the living cationic polymerisation of glycal monomers.
- Functional group manipulation will establish a range of chiral polymers for potential industrial applications.
We would like to acknowledge IPSI/EPSRC for financial and material support. We would also like to thank Prof J.A.K. Howard, Dr A.S. Batsanov, Prof W.J. Feast, Dr A. Kenwright and members of the IRC at Durham for help with various aspects of this work.