Electronic Publishing [see also a discussion about the subject in the WWW, especially the new article in Chemical in Engeneering News!] begins with an electronic Lab-Journal
While it is common for chemists working in industry, that they either use electronic lab-journals or have other means of registering their reactions and products in company databases, academic labs rarely use these systems at the present time. In addition, existing software, e.g. MDLs ISIS/LabJournal or CHEMEXPER is targeted towards the industrial environment.
The advantages of keeping electronic lab-journals are obvious for
We are beginning to experiment with electronic lab-journals for our research and the publication of this article should serve as an entry point for the smooth change towards a work flow that starts with an electronic lab-journal and ends with electronic publication.
In an ideal scenario for electronic publishing, it should be possible to prepare the experimental part of a publication via an export function of a appropiate database program. The advantages and features of such an approach include the following:
First Experiences with MDLs ISIS/LabJournal
MDLs ISIS/LabJournal comprises four ISIS databases that are interconnected with a PL-program. The database structure of the reaction database that is used for most of the data input is given in Fig. ?? and reflects the needs of the data associated with preparative work in an industrial environment, but most of these fields are also relevant in academia. The forms however could be optimized for the individual needs. The following examples show the various forms that are used for the registration process.