Abstract Registration
When you submit the information to the conference, please be patient! It takes about 30 seconds for the server to process the information. There may also be added delays if your connection to the conference server is slow.
Section 1: Information about the article/poster
Title of the article/poster.
For example:
How to run a conference
List of authors.
Each author is separated by semicolons. The format of each author is Surname last followed by a comma, followed by their first name and then their middle initials with periods.
For example:
Leach, Chris; Goodman, Jonathan M.; Rzepa, Henry S.; Winter, Mark J.
Authors' addresses.
These are separated again by semicolons. The addresses must be in the same order as the author names. A single address with no semicolons is fine when the authors all come from a single institution. If subsequent authors are from the same institution, then a second semicolon in lieu of the address will sufice. This is prefable as it will speed up the data parsing and also mean that you will not need to type as much!
For example:
Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2AY, UK;
Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK;
Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2AY, UK;
Department of Chemistry, The University, Sheffield S3 7HF, UK
URL of article.
This is optional. Your final article/poster can be served from your own web site. Please place the URL of the future article/poster so that it can be linked from the conference pages.
Article keywords.
Please will you place a collection of keywords here so that the conference can have a more useful index than the normal brute force method currently provied by the index engine. These are separated again by semicolons.
For example:
collaboratory; organometallic conference; ECTOC series
Type of article.
Full Article
When to withdraw the article/poster:
At the end of the conference
It is hoped to publish the entire conference on CD-rom. If you do not wish your contribution to be included, tick here.
If you do wish your contribution included on the CD-ROM, acceptance of these conditions implies transfer of the copyright to your contribution to the Conference Scientific Editors, in order to facilitate the subsequent publication of the CD-ROM. The same policy was adopted for the ECTOC-1 and ECHET96 CD-ROMs.
Section 2: Information about the publishing of the article/poster
Contact name.
This is the name of the person who will be responsible for setting up the article/poster on the web. Please use the same format as the authors entry above.
Contact email.
This email must be valid, otherwise you will not recieve the information about which article number you have been allocated and the password. These are necessary to access the forms to upload and change your abstract and article and also to change these details.
Chemical structure formats.
Please indicate which of the following chemical drawing formats that you will be supplying for the molecular database. We prefer 2D and 3D MDL MOL files.
Brookhaven PDB
MDL MOL file
MDL TGF format
HTML browser.
Which HTML browser do you most often use? We can use this information to set the level of technology used in the conference. If you use Netscape 4.x, you will be able to upload your changes to the article directly to the server.
Netscape 2.x
Netscape 3.x
Netscape 4.x
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x
Method of uploading article updates.
We have serveral method of allowing you to upload updates of your article to the server. These are fully explained in the
notes to authors
HTTP upload via forms (Netscape 2.x and above)
Using your own HTTP server
When you submit the information to the conference, please be patient! It takes about 30 seconds for the server to process the information. There may also be added delays if your connection to the conference server is slow.