ECTOC: Preliminary annoucement of Status

Rzepa,Henry (
Thu, 8 Jun 1995 07:49:40 +0000

Welcome to the ECTOC Conference.

This is a preliminary announcement to indicate the time scale on which
things are expected to happen.

Current status: The mounting of posters/papers is almost complete; a process
by the way we have made deliberately visible rather than resorting to the
rabbit in the hat method. When complete, the papers will then be
mirrored in the USA, something I am fully aware our North American
audience is anticipating, because of the Atlantic bandwidth problems.
No doubt others might also experience some access problems, and if they
prove particularly bad, do let us know

Next Events: Over the weekend, I expect to issue a summary of
how to participate in the Conference. I am going to try to keep it
short, but doubt if I will fully succeed! We will then start the
conference proper on Monday 12th June, for a period of two
weeks (or longer if there is demand).

Meanwhile, could you all, if you have not already, ensure you have
access to a WWW browser. We recommend Netscape 1.1N, although
Mosaic and the WinWeb/MacWeb browsers support most (but not
all) of the features. If you want to rotate molecules, you will need to
acquire RasMol and to configure it appropriately.

Finally, might I just flag that we expect to produce a CD-ROM of
proceedings. Two "reprints" will be available for each poster or
paper contributors, and others will be able to purchase a copy in
due course.

We will be in touch again shortly.

Best wishes,

Dr Henry Rzepa, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, LONDON SW7 2AY; via Eudora 2.1.2; Tel (44) 171 594 5774; Fax: (44) 171 594
World-Wide Web URL:

ECTOC-1. Conference home page: using
Netscape, Mosaic, etc.
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