23: The 1st mechanism

Joao Aires de Sousa (jas@mail.fct.unl.pt)
Sat, 17 Jun 1995 03:30:44 +0000

Dear Dr.Sweeney

Two simultaneous mechanisms are proposed in the last figure of your poster.
Concerning the first I would like to make two questions:

1. If you use O(18)-labeled water, where do you expect the O(18) atom to be
incorporated: in the hydroxyl or in the ester group?

2. Didn't you ever detect the 2-acetoxy-3-hydroxy product?

Best regards,

Jo=E3o Aires de Sousa.

Joao Aires de Sousa

Departamento de Quimica - Lab 202 Phone: 351-1-2954464 ext: 0908
=46aculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia Fax: 351-1-2954461
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2825 Monte da Caparica
Portugal WWW:http://helium.fct.unl.pt/X/jas

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