Select Medchem Explorer (Diversity Explorer deals with combinatorial chemistry).
The user name is IT. The password will be issued during the course.
This list shows earlier projects started by others using the IT account.
You should create your own project.
Now create a new experiment within this project.
Select the Database access experiment.
Select Shape similarity
Select e.g. the Maybridge database.
Now you will need to start the WebLab Viewer program
Within the WebLab viewer window, you can sketch a molecule, or import
the molecule as e.g a PDB file created and saved from another program
With a molecule present in the WebLab Viewer windor, click on
Run Search
The search starts, and after a few minutes, progress indicators appear
Select one or more molecules which in your assessment are "similar"
to the target molecule, and include these in your final report.
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©H. S. Rzepa and ICSTM Chemistry Department, 1994-2000.