Eight Lectures and Four Two Hour Practical Programming sessions
Bryan Levitt and Henry Rzepa
- Lectures: All lectures are at 10.00 - 12.00 Friday Mornings in Pippard Theatre.
- Labs: Labs are 4-5.30 Monday, 3-4.30 Tuesday, 3-4.30 Thursday, 2-3.30.
- Test: The test will be on December 15 from 10.05 - 10.35 in Pippard
- Project: The deadline for submission of the project will be announced later. The
combined test and project marks will be used for the final grading.
- Objectives of Course:
- To introduce modern computing work-practices, including Hypermedia and
- To introduce the concept of structured programing via a high level
language useful to Scientists.
- To introduce the use of visualisation "packages" for analysis and
- To introduce modern features of workstations, networks and personal
- To introduce the concept of computer files, how to create and edit them,
their storage and their transfer between different computers.
- To develop skills at troubleshooting and error recognition.
- To acquire skills in designing and implementing to a finite timescale a
defined project requirement.
This Course does NOT:
- Teach you to use a word processor (although editors are very
- Teach you to use specific programs such as ChemDraw.
- Teach e.g. database techniques or molecular modelling.
- Teach the electronics behind computers, or "Computer Science".
- Course Text: A Fortran 77 Learning Guide by Jonathan Darby is
available. All these notes are on-line.
- Other Help Available:
- Postgraduate Demonstrators during scheduled periods.
- The "HelpDesk" in Mechanical Engineering (level 4): Phone 4900; E-mail
- Courses run by the CCS.
- CourseWork: You will Need to know
- Your user id and password.
- Your laboratory slot.
- First session Course Work
- To acquire course documentation on-line.
- To start an Editor
- To Edit a simple file, and save the result
- To configure your E-mail.
- On a Mac only;
- To format a disk and mount your Unix File space
- To Configure your E-mail.
On to Second lecture
Copyright (c) B. P. Levitt, H. S. Rzepa and ICSTM Chemistry Department, 1994, 1995.
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