Counting electrons in Pericyclic Reaction Mechanisms
If one is to understand the nature of pericyclic processes, it
is important to learn how to "arrow push" correctly, and to
count the number of electrons involved in the reaction. It is
often the case however that there are several different ways of
how to "arrow push". Even if this aspect is fully understood,
one often has to confront other manifestations of chemical
reactivity such as steric strain and molecule conformation and
The following problem illustrates some of the issues
involved, and its worth considering them in a little detail.
click on each 2D structure on the diagram below to see the 3D
structure of the molecule.
The Reactant. Valence bond isomers vs Resonance
Consider the so-called [16] annulene. Because it conforms
to the Huckel "4n" rule, it woudl be predicted to be
anti-aromatic as a planar hydrocarbon. To avoid this
anti-aromaticity, the system buckles and becomes non
planar. In this form, the two ways of arranging the
alternating double and single bonds in the ring no longer
give rise to the same geometries, and indeed the two bond
"localised" isomers each form distinct minima in the
potential surface. Such a system has quite different
properties from a "delocalised" system such as benzene.
- In benzene ([6] annulene) the two predominant Kekule
structures are known as resonance isomers, and the actual
geometry of the molecule is approximately the mean of the
- In [16]annulene, the two structures shown above are
known as valence isomers, and each represents an energy
minimum for the molecule. The geometric "mean" now
represents a transition state for the interconversion of
valence isomers rather than an energy minimum.
- Although valence isomers are much rarer than
resonance isomers, there are many examples known. It is
important to realise that each valence isomer can have
its own unique properties and reactivity.
- Inspect the 3D structure of the two forms of [16]
annulene. The first has a saucer shaped
geometry containing two hexatriene units joined by two
alkene groups (the "66" geometry) whilst the second has
a twisted aspect reminiscent of a Mobius strip and having
two central butadiene groups facing eachother (the "8"
geometry). Notice the steric requirements of each isomer
are quite different. Thus in the "66" form, there are
four inner hydrogens pointing equatorially inside the
ring. In the "8" form, these hydrogens adopt axial
positions with much more space. Thus replacing these
groups with larger substituents would be expected to have
a dramatic effect on the relative stability of the two
Reaction of the "66" form of [16] Annulene
This valence bond isomer of the [16] annulene is really
best regarded as comprising two more or less independent
hexatriene units, and arrow pushing within these gives rise
to two independently cyclic six electron (4n+2 = "66")
electrocyclic reactions. The electrons in the central
double bonds are NOT counted in the process, since they are
apparently uninvolved in the reaction.
This reaction however is full of subtle complexities.
- The original report of the thermal reaction implied
the product was the one marked as uudd. Each
hexatriene reacts by forming a new sigma bond
suprafacially (the uu or the dd). Unfortunately, the most
stable conformation of the [16] annulene is set up for an
antarafacial bond to form (see the 3D model).
This has to equilibrate with a less stable form (see
3D model) to set up the correct suprafacial bond
formation In fact, another isomer, uuuu is also
allowed by the selection rules, and molecular modelling
suggests this isomer is in fact significantly more stable
(by about 12 kJ/mol).
- Similarly, the photochemical reaction, which is
predicted to follow a Mobius transition state, can give
rise to both uddu and udud via two
independent antarafacial (ud, du, or ud, ud)
electrocyclic reactions. The udud form is again predicted
the more stable by molecular modelling by about 12
- Because two (independent) pericyclic processes are
involved, this implies in each case the intermediacy of
molecules in which only one C-C bond has been formed. TWO
pericyclic transition states are thus involved in this
reaction. Molecular modelling implies the first bond formation has a much
higher energy then the subsequent second one (by
about 78 kJ/mol).
Reaction of the "8" form of [16] Annulene
The alternative valence bond isomer of the [16]annulene
adopts an entirely different shape from the
other isomer. With this new shape an alternative way of
forming the two bonds can be drawn, which involves pushing
only one set of four arrows, and thus constitutes a single
pericyclic 8 electron (4n = "8") process formally
equivalent to a 4+4 cycloaddition reaction. The selection
rules predicting a quite different stereochemical outcome,
with one butadiene fragment predicted to react
suprafacially, the other antarafacially. Such 4+4
cycloadditions are quite rare, and this reaction in this
example thus far unobserved.
With the [16] annulene system therefore, we can have
EITHER two separate and sequential electrocyclic reactions
occurring, OR one cycloaddition reaction, but each with
different predicted stereochemical outcomes.
Reaction of a [14] Annulene
Much of the ambiguity of the [16] annulene reaction occured
because being a Huckel 4n electron system, its planar form
was formally anti-aromatic. If one double bond is taken out
of the system to produce a [14] annulene, the consequences
are quite dramatic! Now, the system is a Huckel 4n+2
system, and both the individual electrocyclic reactions and
the central 2+4 cycloaddtion should all go with purely
suprafacial components (see 3D model). In fact, molecular
modelling predicts BOTH sigma bonds form concurently, and
hence the reaction is classified as BOTH two synchronous
electrocyclic reactions AND a concerted cycloaddition
reaction. Unlike the [16] annulene system, there is no
conflict between the two.
A Note on the Molecular Modelling
All the predicted 3D models were calculated using a
molecular orbital based method, using the AM1 Hamiltonian.
Similar results can also be obtained using classical
Molecular Mechanics methods, or computationally more
rigorous ab initio methods. The transition states located must be
modelled using MO based methods.
Further Reading
A formal article has been published on the above, which
goes into further detail:
and Mobius Aromaticity and Trimerous transition state
behaviour in the Pericyclic Reactions of [10], [14], [16]
and [18] Annulenes. Sonsoles
Martên-Santamarêa, Balasundaram Lavan and Henry
S. Rzepa, J. Chem.
Soc., Perkin Trans 2 , 2000, 1415.
The original report of the reactions of [16] annulene
was by G. Schroder, W. Martin and J. F. M. Oth, Angew
Chemie, 1967, 79, 861.
Copyright H. S. Rzepa, 2000, 2001.