

1. Synthesis of the E and Z isomers of the antiestrogen Tamoxifen and it's metabolite, 4-Hydroxytamoxifen.

David w. Robertson and John A.Katzenellenbogen

J.Org.Chem.1982, 47, Pages 2387-2393.


2. Stereospecific synthesis of (Z) Tamoxifen via Carbometalation of Alkynylsilanes.

R.Bryan Miller and Mohammed I. Al-Hassan.

J.Org.Chem.1985, 50, Pages 2121-2123


3. Crossed coupling of functionalised ketones by low valent Titanium (The McMurray Reaction) : A New Stereoselective Synthesis of Tamoxifen.

Paul L.Coe and Clare Scriven

J.Chem.Soc Perkin Trans. (1) , 1986 , Page 475


4. Stereoselective Olefin formation from the dehydration of

1-Cp-(Alkoxyphenyl) - 1,2,- diphenylbutan-1-ols: Application to the Synthesis of Tamoxifen.

Raymond McCague.

J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans. (1), 1987, Page 1011


5.Synthesis of Tamoxifen and 4-Hydroxytamoxifen using super-base-metalated propylbenzene.

Chantal Olier-Reuchet et al. Tetrahedron Letters Vol.36 No.45 Page 8221-8224 , 1995


6. Parallel Synthesis of Tamoxifen and derivitives on solid support via resin capture.

S.David Brown and Robert W.Armstrong.

J.Org.Chem. 1997,62, Pages 7076-7077


7.Comparison of the Activity of isomers,

M.J.K. Harper and A.L.Walpole. Nature 212,87 (1966)


Sources Used.

Below is a list of the different computer searches and sources which were used during research of this project. Some additional databases were used but some provided no useful information.Such sources have been omitted from this index.


1.The Bath Information Delivery Service and the Science Citation Index database.

2.The Libertas system with the Imperial College library database.

3.Hotbot Internet database.

4.Merck index CD-ROM service.

5..Beilstein Crossfire molecule searche database.

6.CambridgeSoft Chemfinder System

7.Cambridge Crystal Structure Database;

8.Brookhaven Protein Databank

9. MSI Medchem Explorer

10.Yahoo Internet database.

11.Lycos Internet database.

12. HotBot Internet database.


Also for this project one book was used this was:

1.Tamoxifen : Molecular basis of use in Cancer Treatment and prevention.

Helen Wiseman,John Wiley and sons 1994.

Also some of the references cited there in.


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Huw Tanner.Undergraduate Year 2 .Imperial College of Science,Technology and Medicine.

CIT Project

Study of Tamoxifen.