1998 CIT Project
by Salinthip Thipayang
2nd Year Undergraduate
Chemistry Department
Imperial College of Science
Technology and Medicine
e-mail : salinthip.thipayang@ic.ac.uk
here to begin!
Melatonin is one of neurohormones and is present in many species processing
pineal gland. It plays important roles in controlling neuroendocrine functions
including inducing sleep in human which is probably the most important
factor that makes it a "wonder drug" for at least the last two decades.
To find why it melatonin is such a hot topic...just click under its 3D
image above...
This Chemical Information Technology (CIT) project shows some of its chemical
and biological significance. The project contributes to our second year
undergraduate course work credit. The aim of this project is to use internet
search engines and keyword bibliographic searches to obtain chemical information
and literature sources of a chosen compound and present it to the
public...Any relavent references in each section can be recalled by choosing
the flower sign
from the fact that we have learned to how use the most of these CIT stuff...learning
some HTML in order to produce a webpage is also a great fun!...
As this is my very very first webpage,...any comment will be very appreciate...So
any suggestion?...Please e-mail me at salinthip.thipayang@ic.ac.uk
Finally, hope you will all enjoy reading this (little) webpage and get
some interesting chemistry in less than 15 minutes!!!???!!!...^_^...