there is a need for a more effective influenza treatment:
present influenza is basically an uncontrolled disease and an effective method is needed for both the prevention and treatment of
it. In the 20th century there were some major pandemics such as
the 1918-1919 Spanish 'flu which killed 20 million people world wide, the
1957 Asian 'flu, the 1968 Hong Kong 'flu and the 1977 Russian 'flu12 These viruses also affect
different animals, especially domesticated chickens and turkeys and in
Hong Kong in 1997 a virulent bird flu virus, started infecting and killing
people for the first time ever. Of the 18 people affected 6 died, although
there was no evidence that the virus was able to spread between people.
Given the antigenic properties of the influenza virus, in the future the
virus may be passed from person to person, and because human immune
systems are not prepared for avian viruses the effects on the population
could be grave. It would not be possible to prepare vaccines in time and
anti-viral drugs are not always adequate.
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Advantages of
Relenza over previous treatments:
Relenza has a number of
advantages over the existing treatments for influenza. It does not cause
significant side effects and the development of zanamivir-resistant
viruses is not expected to occur readily in patients. This is because
selection of drug-resistant mutants characterized by changes in
neuraminidase requires prolonged passage in tissue culture and may be a
biological cripple. If started within two days of the onset of influenza
symptoms and if a fever is present, the duration of illness is decreased by an average of 1.5 days.
It appears to decrease the severity of flu symptoms for the remainder
of the illness, as well as decreasing the number of complications from the
flu. It is also possible that Relenza could be used as a method of 'flu
prevention although it has not yet been approved for this use. |