The GSK World Headquarters in the background
The Butts, with chery tree and old fashioned street light
The Butts, an ancient square where the market was and archery was practiced
The Butts
The Butts
Brentford docks, heading now towards the high street
Brentford docks
Brendtford docks
Cheery tree, with gardener in background
We are tying to find the name for this tree, with its red leaves and yellow blossom
Gardens on a new housing estate in the middle of the old Brunel-built Brentford docks
Brentford marina; the Thames is ahead
The Thames is on the left
At the confluence of the Grand Union Canal and the river Thames
Just reaching the Thames
Looking back upon Thames Lock
Brentford Dock
Thames Lock
Thames Lock ahead, the last on the Grand Union canal before the outflow into the Thames.
Approaching Brentford
A nesting swan
The Brentford Locks
The flats ahead are brand new (2005).
Brentford docks are now nicely landscaped, but just a few years ago, the entire area had a very derelict feel