The smallest C-C-C angle?

October 31st, 2016

Is asking a question such as “what is the smallest angle subtended at a chain of three connected 4-coordinate carbon atoms” just seeking another chemical record, or could it unearth interesting chemistry?

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An inorganic double helix: SnIP.

October 16th, 2016
After sixty years of searching, the first non-templated double helical carbon-free inorganic molecular structure has been reported.[cite]10.1002/adma.201603135[/cite] That is so neat that I thought to load the 3D coordinates here for you to interact with and then to explore the prospect of using these coordinates to add some value with e.g. some chiroptical calculations.

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Catenated atoms and groups.

October 13th, 2016

Chemists are as fond of records as any, although I doubt you will find many chemical ones in the Guinness world records list. Polytriangulanes chase how many cyclopropyl 3-rings can be joined via a vertex. Steve Bachrach on his blog reports some recent work by Peter Schreiner and colleagues[cite]10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00669[/cite] and the record for catenation of such rings appears to be 15. This led me to think about some other common atoms and groups. Here I have searched for crystal structures only; there may be examples of course for which no such data has been reported.

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σ or π nucleophilic reactivity of imines? A mechanistic reality check using substituents.

October 9th, 2016

Previously, a mechanistic twist to the oxidation of imines using peracid had emerged. Time to see how substituents respond to this mechanism.

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The 2016 Bradley-Mason prize for open chemistry.

October 4th, 2016

Peter Murray-Rust and I are delighted to announce that the 2016 award of the Bradley-Mason prize for open chemistry goes to Jan Szopinski (UG) and Clyde Fare (PG).

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σ or π nucleophilic reactivity of imines? A mechanistic twist emerges.

September 28th, 2016

The story so far. Imines react with a peracid to form either a nitrone (σ-nucleophile) or an oxaziridine (π-nucleophile).[cite]10.1016/S0040-4039(00)98582-4[/cite] The balance between the two is on an experimental knife-edge, being strongly influenced by substituents on the imine. Modelling these reactions using the “normal” mechanism for peracid oxidation did not reproduce this knife-edge, with ΔΔG (π-σ) 16.2 kcal/mol being rather too far from a fine balance.

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More stereoelectronics galore: hexamethylene triperoxide diamine.

September 22nd, 2016

Compounds with O-O bonds often have weird properties. For example, artemisinin, which has some fascinating stereoelectronics. Here is another such, recently in the news and known as HMTD (hexamethylene triperoxide diamine). The crystal structure was reported some time ago[cite]10.1021/jp0123841[/cite] and the article included an inspection of the computed wavefunction. However this did not look at the potential stereoelectronics in this species, which I now address here.

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σ or π? The ambident nucleophilic reactivity of imines: crystallographic and computational reality checks.

September 21st, 2016

Nucleophiles are species that seek to react with an electron deficient centre by donating a lone or a π-bond pair of electrons. The ambident variety has two or more such possible sources in the same molecule, an example of which might be hydroxylamine or H2NOH. I previously discussed how for this example, the energetics allow the nitrogen lone pair (Lp) to win out over the O Lp. Here, I play a similar game, but this time setting an NLp up against a π-pair.

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What’s in a name? Stabilised “nitrenes”.

September 19th, 2016

I previously explored stabilized “carbenes” with the formal structures (R2N)2C:, concluding that perhaps the alternative ionic representation R2N+=CNR2 might reflect their structures better. Here I take a broader look at the “carbene” landscape before asking the question “what about nitrenes?”

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What’s in a name? Carbenes: a reality check.

September 11th, 2016

To quote from Wikipedia: in chemistry, a carbene is a molecule containing a neutral carbon atom with a valence of two and two unshared valence electrons. The most ubiquitous type of carbene of recent times is the one shown below as 1, often referred to as a resonance stabilised or persistent carbene. This type is of interest because of its ability to act as a ligand to an astonishingly wide variety of metals, with many of the resulting complexes being important catalysts. The Wiki page on persistent carbenes shows them throughout in form 1 below, thus reinforcing the belief that they have a valence of two and by implication six (2×2 shared + 2 unshared) electrons in the valence shell of carbon. Here I consider whether this name is really appropriate.

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