Research data and the “h-index”.

June 24th, 2013

The blog post by Rich Apodaca entitled “The Horrifying Future of Scientific Communication” is very thought provoking and well worth reading. He takes us through disruptive innovation, and how it might impact upon how scientists communicate their knowledge. One solution floated for us to ponder is that “supporting Information, combined with data mining tools, could eliminate most of the need for manuscripts in the first place“. I am going to juxtapose that suggestion on something else I recently discovered. 

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Mechanistic arrow pushing. A proposed addition to its rules.

June 12th, 2013

A little while ago, I set out some interpretations of how to push curly arrows. I also appreciate that some theoretically oriented colleagues regard the technique as neither useful nor in the least rigorous, whereas towards the other extreme many synthetically minded chemists view the ability to push a reasonable set of arrows for a proposed mechanism as of itself constituting evidence in its favour.[cite]10.1186/1752-153X-7-94[/cite] Like any language for expressing ideas, the tool needs a grammar (rules) and a vocabulary, and perhaps also an ability to carry ambiguity. These thoughts surfaced again via a question asked of me by a student: “is the mechanism for the hydrogens in protonated benzene whizzing around the ring a [1,2] or a [1,6] pericyclic sigmatropic shift?”. 

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Secrets of a university lecturer: 1981-1983.

June 6th, 2013

Many moons ago, when I was a young(ish) lecturer, and much closer in time to my laboratory roots of organic synthesis, I made some chemistry videos. One of these has resurfaced, somewhat  (to me at least) unexpectedly. Nowadays of course, such demonstrations are all carried out using virtual simulations (Flash animations etc) as the equipment itself becomes less common.

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Computers 1967-2013: a personal perspective. Part 5. Network bandwidth.

June 5th, 2013

In a time of change, we often do not notice that Δ = ∫δ. Here I am thinking of network bandwidth, and my personal experience of it over a 46 year period.

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Mechanism of the Van Leusen reaction.

May 29th, 2013

This is a follow-up to comment posted by Ryan, who asked about isocyanide’s role (in the form of the anion of tosyl isocyanide, or TosMIC): “In Van Leusen, it (the isocyanide) acts as an electrophile”. The Wikipedia article (recently updated by myself) shows nucleophilic attack by an oxy-anion on the carbon of the C≡N group, with the isocyanide group acting as the acceptor of these electrons (in other words, the electrophile). In the form shown below, one negatively charged atom appears to be attacking another also carrying a negative charge. Surely this breaks the rules that like charges repel? So we shall investigate to see if this really happens.

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How should one represent the anion of TosMIC?

May 24th, 2013

The title of this post comes from a comment posted by Ryan, who asks about isocyanide’s role (in the form of the anion of tosyl isocyanide, or TosMIC) in two named reactions, Van Leusen and Ugi FCR.  “In Van Leusen, it (the isocyanide) acts as an electrophile: however, in Ugi, it acts as a nucleophile”. Here are some valence bond forms for this species;

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Another Woodward pericyclic example dissected: all is not what it seems.

May 22nd, 2013

Here is another example gleaned from that Woodward essay of 1967 (Chem. Soc. Special Publications (Aromaticity), 1967, 21, 217-249), where all might not be what it seems.

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Woodward’s symmetry considerations applied to electrocyclic reactions.

May 20th, 2013

Sometimes the originators of seminal theories in chemistry write a personal and anecdotal account of their work. Niels Bohr[cite]10.1007/BF01326955[/cite] was one such and four decades later Robert Woodward wrote “The conservation of orbital symmetry” (Chem. Soc. Special Publications (Aromaticity), 1967, 21, 217-249; it is not online and so no doi can be given). Much interesting chemistry is described there, but (like Bohr in his article), Woodward lists no citations at the end, merely giving attributions by name. Thus the following chemistry (p 236 of this article) is attributed to a Professor Fonken, and goes as follows (excluding the structure in red):

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Au and Pt π-complexes of cyclobutadiene.

May 15th, 2013

In the preceding post, I introduced Dewar’s π-complex theory for alkene-metal compounds, outlining the molecular orbital analysis he presented, in which the filled π-MO of the alkene donates into a Ag+ empty metal orbital and back-donation occurs from a filled metal orbital into the alkene π* MO. Here I play a little “what if” game with this scenario to see what one can learn from doing so.

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