The CLIC Consortium:
An E-lib Chemistry Journal Project

Training Packs with Information and Software

Collected here are some non-commercial programs to help visualise molecules, prepare HTML or SGML materials and other information suitable for preparing and reading articles in electronic form. You can acquire these programs simply by clicking on the hyperlink if you have a suitable decoding program already resident on your hard disk. If you know of any other programs that might be useful in this context, please let us know. We hope to shortly be able to cite commercial programs that we consider are suitable for inclusion in this list.

Unpacking the Archives

Function Macintosh Microsoft Windows
General Viewing and Management Programs
Archive extractionStuffit Expander Stuffit Expander
HTML BrowserNetscape for Mac Netscape for Windows
Web ManagementClay Basket and Site
Web Arranger
VRML BrowserWhurlwind with QuickDraw 1 and 2Selection of programs
E-mailEudora Lite Eudora Lite
SoundSoundmachine Wham Sound Program and Speaker Driver
MPEG playerSparkle MPEG MPEG Player requires win32s 1.2
General Editing and Preparation Programs
RTF convertersrtftohtml rtftohtml
GraphicsGraphicConverter LView Pro
Clip to GIFPaint Shop Pro 3
GIF scan
GIF Builder (animations)
HTML editorsTools for BBedit HTML Assistant requires vbrun300.dll
MS Word to HTMLMicrosoft Word Internet Assistant
Map editorsWebmap Mapedit
HTML UtilitiesHTML Grinder HotDog
Other Archives
Sheffield Macintosh Archive
Chemistry Programs
Chemistry 2D ViewersISIS/Draw + Tutorial ISIS/Draw + Tutorial
CS Chemdraw NetCS ChemDraw Net
Accord Chemistry ViewerAccord Chemistry Viewer
Chemistry 3D ViewersRasMac 2.5 RasWin 2.5 and RasMenu
RasMac 2.6 beta RasWin 2.6 beta
CS Chem3D NetCS Chem3D Net
Kinemage 4.0
Other Archives
Sheffield SMACSBristol Archive of PC Programs
Software updates table-

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