Web Resources and Database Searching
The Internet and Beilstein were the primary sources in the researching of this website. From Beilstein, journals relating the most of the required information were found. From the internet, most of the pictures and diagrams were found. All of these sources were relevant in the creating of this website. They each to contributed to their various part of the website.
Diagrams and Photographs
- Zingerone
- Imperial College Logo: www.ic.ac.uk
- Ginger : www.wrc.net/wrcnet_content/herbalresources/materiamedica/materiamedica.aspx?mmid=13
- Introduction
- Picture of Bulbophyllum patens : Journal; Tan, Keng-Hong; Nishida, Ritsuo; JCECD8; J. Chem. Ecol.; EN; 26; 2; 2000; 533 - 546.
- Ginger Flower:http://www-ang.kfunigraz.ac.at/~katzer/engl/generic_frame.html?Zing_off.html
- Ecological Formulas Bottle : www.amazon.com
- Historical
- Cotton Diagram
Patent Number: US2381210
Publication date: 1945-08-07
Requested Patent: US2381210
Application Number: US19430499408 19430820
Priority Number(s): US19430499408 19430820
IPC Classification:
EC Classification: C07C45/62
Equivalents:- Characterisation
- NMR: Journal; Tan, Keng-Hong; Nishida, Ritsuo; JCECD8; J. Chem. Ecol.; EN; 26; 2; 2000; 533 - 546.
- IR Spectrum and Mass Spectrum: NIST Mass Spec Data Center, S.E. Stein, director (http://webbook.nist.gov)
- Mass Fragmentation: Journal; Locksley,H.D. et al.; JCPRB4; J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1; EN; 1972; 3001-3006
- IR Bands: Journal; Das, B.; Takhi, M.; Kumar, H. M. Sampath; Srinivas, K. V. N. S.; Yadav, J. S.; PYTCAS; Phytochemistry; EN; 33; 3; 1993; 697-700.
- Physical Properties: http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/data/rw1006231.html
- Spice
- http://www.ulg.ac.be/lcfi/licence/interros/interro10.html
- Medicine
- Molecule: http://mcb.berkeley.edu/labs/berger/Structure%20images/Collaboration/lr5lab.jpeg
- Reactions: Journal; Yeun-Chih Huang et al., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 9 (2001) 1739–1746
- Graph and Table: Journal; Pearson, D. A. et al.; J. Agric. Food Chem. 1997, 45, 578-582
- Diagram: http://images.medscape.com/pi/editorial/clinupdates/2002/2009/art-2009-1.fig16.gif
- Phytochemistry
- GC Diagram: Journal; Tan, Keng-Hong; Nishida, Ritsuo; JCECD8; J. Chem. Ecol.; EN; 26; 2; 2000; 533 - 546.
- Bulbophyllum patens (Phytochemistry): http://www.ulg.ac.be/lcfi/licence/interros/interro10.html
- Introduction
- www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html?DOC=HomeMolecule%5Carchive%5Cmotw_zingerone_arch.html
- www.chem.uwimona.edu.jm:1104/lectures/ginger.html
- maxmag.maxsportsinternational.com/healthnutrition/issue23/23hn2.htm
- Historical
- Journal; Kim, Darrick S. H. L.; Kim, Jin Yung; BMCLE8; Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.; EN; 14; 5; 2004; 1287 - 1290.
- Journal; Lapworth; Wykes; JCSOA9; J. Chem. Soc.; 111; 1917; 795
- Journal; Bunce, Richard A.; Reeves, Henry D.; SYNCAV; Synth. Commun.; EN; 19; 5&6; 1989; 1109-1118.
- Journal; Enders,D. et al.; CHBEAM; Chem. Ber.; GE; 112; 1979; 3703-3714.
- Journal; Nomura; JCSOA9; J. Chem. Soc.; 111; 1917; 771.
- Journal; Mannich; Merz; ARPMAS; Arch.Pharm.(Weinheim Ger.); 1927; 22.
- on.starblvd.net/cgi-bin/bbsmsg?ebiz2000&tr=310
- Preparation
- Journal; Bunce, Richard A.; Reeves, Henry D.; SYNCAV; Synth. Commun.; EN; 19; 5&6; 1989; 1109-1118.
- 33rd International Chemistry Olympiad
- Spice
- antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/features/capsaicin.shtml
- www.nedlac.org.za/research/fridge/aroma/part1/recom.pdf
- www.iisr.org/spices/ginger.html
- Medicine
- Journal; Pearson, D. A. et al.; J. Agric. Food Chem. 1997, 45, 578-582
- http://mcb.berkeley.edu/labs/berger/Structure%20pages/collab-main.html
- http://www.stevenfoster.com/education/monograph/ginger.html
- Journal; Yeun-Chih Huang et al., Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 9 (2001) 1739–1746
- Phytochemistry
- Journal; Tan, Keng-Hong; Nishida, Ritsuo; JCECD8; J. Chem. Ecol.; EN; 26; 2; 2000; 533 - 546.