Each section in this virtual library is associated with an icon, as found in Table 1. A single mouse click on this icon will initiate connection to the data source or technique described. To obtain a fully-functioning library, you will have to set the Helper configuration first.
Table 1. The Virtual Chemistry Library | ||||
Start Point | Information Source | Program Invoked (if any) | Information about the Supplier | |
Starting the Electronic Notebook | Claris Works | Claris Works | ||
Search the World using Lycos | ||||
A guided tour of the World-Wide Web Information system | The World-Wide Web Organisation | |||
The BIDS Science Citation database | Telnet | Bath Information Delivery System | ||
The CAS On-line system | Telnet or SciFinder | Chemical Abstracts | ||
The "WebSpirs" bibliographic database system | Silver Platter | |||
Safety information/chemical availability | The Fisher Catalogue | |||
The World Drug Index and Savant | Daylight Information systems | |||
The ChemFinder system | CambridgeSoft | |||
The Crossfire system | Beilstein Commander | Beilstein | ||
The ISIS/Base reaction database | ISIS/Draw and Base | MDL Information Systems | ||
The Cambridge Crystal Structure database | X-Window Server | CCDC | ||
The Virtual 3D Library | VRML and/or Chime plug-in | The vchemlib project | ||
Electronic Conferences and Journals | The CLIC Project |
The visitor starts with simple "one dimensional" keyword searches to retrieve simple bibliographic information. Modern implementations of such keyword search systems use the "forms" HTML interface, which offers a self-contained user interface. The Lycos search system offers perhaps the most comprehensive general catalog of the Internet, and allows two or more keywords to be specified using boolean-like logic. Lycos indexing is performed by an automatic search robot, which is programmed to look specifically at the content of HTML documents. In particular, only the content of documents enclosed by <html> and </html> tags is indexed, which would exclude detailed indexing of any document with chemical content, such as for example a 3D coordinate file. A more recent global search index is Alta Vista introduces some novel features deriving from the structure of the Web itself. For example, one can search for documents which "cite" a particular URL (Uniform resource locator), much in the same way that the Science citation index can be used to follow a "thread" of chemical information.
Other more chemically specific bibliographic searches are offered to the visitor, including the Science Citation Index itself via a UK wide national licensing scheme referred to as "BIDS", demonstration files on CAS On-line system, and more specific databases such as the Fisher catalogue, and "samplers" of the WebSpirs system from Silver Platter. The results of such searches are normally presented as text-based documents. There is little the user can do with such information other than copy-paste the text into a word processor.
To achieve keyword retrieval in a chemical context, one has currently to enter a turn-key system designed to perform this task. Examples include the Daylight system, which allows retrival of structural information using SMILES strings as the search term, and the CambridgeSoft ChemFinder system, which allows a variety of chemical and keyword search terms to be specified. Both these services offer small "sampler" databases via a "forms" interface for the user to experiment with. Here, the results of a search are presented in not only a graphical form, generated in real-time by background programs and scripts, but one also has the opportunity of acquiring 2D or 3D coordinate and connectivity data using the MIME mechanism referred to previously. This allows the user to open a separate molecular window using local programs, and if necessary to save the information on their local disk. Another MIME implementation involves acquiring reaction or 3D query definitions from a remote site, and using these to search a locally implemented database (or one operating a local client/remote server system). We have implemented this with the MDLI ISIS/Base system for searching for synthetic transformations of penicillins using a search definition saved in the "TGF" format, for the Beilstein Crossfire system for searching for molecular properties and for the Cambridge crystal structure database.
These types of search will need various local tools and programs to help with the searching, and these more specialised programs will be invoked from various hyperlinks via MIME definitions. In addition a "telnet" terminal emulator for bibliographic searchs which do not support the "forms" interface is required.
Table 2. MIME Definitions for Activating Chemical Search Programs | |
MIME Type | Program Activated |
application/x-claris | Claris Works |
chemical/x-pdb | RasMol or Chime |
chemical/x-mdl-tgf | ISIS Draw/Base |
Future developments in this area include presenting the molecular data as a hyperlinked set of coordinate files encoded in the VRML format, with additional functionality provided by Java encoded applets and scripts illustrate specific topics in chemistry.
During the course, the students have to select 8 techniques out of a menu of 19 available. The "IT" technique has proved very popular, with the majority opting to do it. Typically, the students will spend about 1 week of laboratory time learning the various techniques, and many continue to use the techniques during subsequent research projects and indeed Ph.D. programs.
The comment made most often by students is of the confusion brought about by using various user-interfaces for defining chemical structures and keyword searches, and the difficulty of transporting information across the divides introduced by the use of different programs. In 1996 we anticipate that some of these concerns will slowly be addressed as the suppliers of chemical information move to integrate their own user-interfaces with those enabled by the Web. At a time of rapidly evolving Web technology, applying standards is inevitably difficult, but at least a small glimmer that this is possible is beginning to emerge. A fuller maturity of this system may however not be seen for several years yet.
Gradually, we envisage that modularity in the software components will be accomplished. Perhaps the highest priority now must be to create a structure editing interface as a "plug-in" (or an OpenDoc "part" for the Cyberdog WWW client) which would enable a much more seamless interface to be constructed. The recent announcement by Tripos of a Java applet called Sketch and Fetch appears to be the first such product which seamlessly intergrates into a Web page, although the extent of its modularity is not yet know. Both Java and VRML are now integrated into this environment, so the grand synthesis is gradually coming together.
Given the richness of the tools available now or in the near future, the prospect for developing exciting new methods of presenting molecular sciences looks very good. Over the next year or two, many of these mechanisms will mature into a product that will offer a sea change in the way molecular "information technology" is both used and taught.