I have a sample xml file :-
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE start-ele [
<!NOTATION MyFormat SYSTEM "MyFormatProcessor.exe">
<!ENTITY MyEnt SYSTEM "MyFormatData.txt" NDATA MyFormat>
<!ELEMENT start-ele EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST attr-for-notation ENTITY #REQUIRED>
<start-ele attr-for-notation=MyEnt />
When a VALIDATING xml processor will start processing the above, will it
only pass
* Notation name (MyFormat in above case)
* Notation System Identifier (MyFormatProcessor.exe)
* Entity systm. identifier (MyFormatData.txt)
to the application (on behalf of which the xml processor is validating) , or
is it also expected to pass the non XML data file(MyFormatData.txt) to it's
related process (MyFormatProcessor.exe) and initiate the processing?
Thanks in advance,