xml-dev Oct 1998 by subject
Starting: Thu Oct 01 1998 - 01:20:51 GMT
Ending: Sun Nov 01 1998 - 18:57:19 GMT
Messages: 566
- "delegate" and "GI" (was RE: Do we need link-catalogs for schemas?)
- (no subject)
- (XML-DEV) SOX - Overview, Issues, Implementation
- A call for open source DTDs
- a practical xml application, HTML form processing, how to do it?
- About URI,URN,URL and FPIs
- Absent TAGs ...
- Advice needed on placement of XML datatype validation methods
- Aggregation api used by Coins
- ANN: DBMS -> XML -> HTML (article)
- ANN: Docuverse DOM SDK PR3 Released
- ANN: IBM XML for Java 1.1.4
- ANN: SAXON 3.1
- ANN: XML COM Metadata persistence & marshalling
- ANN: XML Tutorials in London
- annoucement of majix 1.0, a free MS-Word to XML converter
- ANNOUNCE - XML Europe '99 Call for Parti
- Announcement of MAJIX 1.0 : a WORD to XML converter
- Another interesting app
- Another scheme for document factories...
- Any implementations of notations?
- Architectural Forms (was Personal Names (was: DTD
- Architectural Forms (was Personal Names (was: DTD Question))
- Binary Data in XML (a first pass?)
- Binary Data in XML)
- Building XML Applications, in Beta
- C++ or IDL definitions for SAX
- c++ parser for DOM
- C++ SAX Question
- CDATA by any other
- CDATA by any other name.
- CDATA by any other name... (was The raw and the cooked)
- CDATA by any other name...)
- CDATA by any othername...)
- Character Range: surrogate blocks
- Coins/XObject BOF at <TAG> '98
- combining xml files in the browser
- Conference Announcement:XML at the International Python
- Confusion regarding notation processing
- Content v. attribute
- Copyright and ownership article
- Correction: XObjects (was TLAa was SOX)
- Datatype constraints in DCDs
- datatype specification (urn:uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882/)
- Deployability of XMLised HTML - authoritative survey?
- Do we need link-catalogs for schemas?
- Document toString
- Document toString
- Doubt regading gen. entity ref. in element content
- DTD for DTD's
- DTD Question
- DTD Question bypassSTGspamstuff
- DTD#printExternal in xml4j 1.1.4
- Entity References (trivial question)
- EOC/SOX: element<->class mapping
- Error in greeting [ADMIN]
- Forest Automata formalism
- FPI questions
- Fw: DOM Level 1 Becomes a W3C Recommendation
- FW: DTD for X12 or EDIFACT
- help on expat parser..
- HTML Rendition of New Testament
- ID and tag value uniqueness, how?
- Info on IE 5.0 XML Support
- ISO 13wawa and proxy FPIs
- ISO8601 Java utilities
- It's time for practical XML!
- It's time for practical XML!)
- Java One and XML
- Java version of FOP now available
- JavaOne and XML
- LISTADMIN. Archives and List errors
- LISTRIVIA (mail replies)
- Listrivia: xml-dev digest
- Looking for a C++ XML Parser
- Looking for a redistributable XML editor
- Looking for an XML parser in Common Lisp
- Mailing addresses
- More namespace
- More namespaces (non)perversion
- More namespaces perversion
- More namespaces perversion)
- MSIE5 Beta 2 + XML
- namespaces for name attribute values?
- Namespaces need versioning
- Nested XML files
- Netscape is running an XML app!
- Orgcharts
- Orgcharts in Javascript
- Ownership of Names
- Personal Names (was: DTD Question)
- Private-Use Characters (RE: Character Range: surrogate blocks)
- Public identifiers and topic
- Publishing papers on XML-dev work
- Questions on DCD
- re URN, URL, URI
- re URN, URL, URI etc.
- RE: A call for open source DTDs
- RE: CDATA by any other name... (was The raw and the cooked)
- RE: Character Range: surrogate blocks
- RE: Content v. attribute
- RE: DTD for X12 or EDIFACT
- RE: DTD Question
- RE: Forest Automata formalism
- RE: FPI questions
- RE: ID and tag value uniqueness, how?
- RE: It's time for practical XML!
- RE: Looking for a C++ XML Parser
- RE: Mailing addresses
- RE: Questions on DCD
- RE: Regarding XSchema <Model> element
- RE: Selective parsing of elements
- RE: What is PI data exactly?
- RE: XML document indentation
- RE: XML-QL Follow up
- RE: XSchema: Final review
- Reading a XML document embeeded in a logfile
- REC-xml-19980210 Concerning validation, in section 3
- REC-xml-19980210 unparsed entity
- REC-xml-19980210: default attribute values
- REC-xml-19980210: normalized attribute values
- REC-xml-19980210: whitespace
- Regarding XSchema : Section 4.3.1
- Regarding XSchema <Model> element
- Regarding XSchema Section 5.2.9
- Schema for Object-oriented XML (SOX)
- Selective parsing of elements
- some question about SGML and XML
- Source for Netscape-XML app
- SOX (some observations)
- SOX - Overview, Issues, Implementati
- SOX - Overview, Issues, Implementation
- SOX again
- SOX: element<->class mapping
- STX: Short-Tag Compression utilities beta available
- Switching between DOM and SAX
- TBodies ...
- The raw and the cooked (was: there's empty ...)
- there's empty, and then there's REALLY empty
- TLAs (was: SOX)
- Transaction-based DOM Implementations
- unsubscribe
- UTF-8
- Valid XML Question - 017.XML
- WDDX (Was: XML and Objects)
- Web server logs in XML?
- Welcome, DOM!
- Welcome, DOM! - a copy of the list of changes
- What is delegation
- What is PI data exactly?
- What is the error in this XML doc.
- Whitespace in EMPTY model
- Why is there no DOM-C++ binding in DOM spec?
- WWW8 Call for Papers
- X.500 (was: DTD Question)
- XLink and XPtr - MIA?
- XML and DTD pasring
- XML and Objects
- XML and Objects)
- XML CASE Structure
- XML community outreach
- XML community outreach)
- XML data model
- XML document indentation
- XML Filter or XML Converter Information?
- XML formality (was: What is PI data exactly?)
- XML Parsers
- XML representation of a Table
- XML support to be rolled into PHP (a free, server-side, HTML
- XML usage in/for libraries
- XML WG Reorganization questions
- XML Workshops
- XML-QL Follow up
- XML-tagged religion.200 available
- xml/xsl to ps/pdf
- xmlarch: version 0.20 released
- XObject (was was was)
- XObjects
- XObjects (was TLAa was SOX)
- XPointer question
- XSchema: Final review
- XSchema: various
- XSL: Why?
Last message date: Sun Nov 01 1998 - 18:57:19 GMT
Archived on: Sat 31 Oct 1998 - 19:05:45 GMT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.