>Does anyone know if there are converters that will convert xml documents
>via xsl to paginated ps/pdf format documents? Said differently, is there a
>way to create paginated html from xml/xsl?
I am developing an application called FOP that is presently a prototype set
of Python scripts but will be available as Java classes shortly.
It is early days yet, but I'm keen for people to try it out and let me know
what they'd like implemented first. It takes an XML representation of a
formatting object tree (ie what XT would generate with an XSL stylesheet
using the FO vocabulary) and spits out a PDF.
See http://www.jtauber.com/fop/ but, again, note that it is early days. I
probably shouldn't be publicly announcing it yet (given it only just
deserves the term 'alpha'), but I'll take the risk :-)