> From db Tue Oct 27 08:51:29 1998
> To: b.laforge@jxml.com, jp@ncfocus.com, xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
> Subject: Re: JavaOne and XML
> Cc: nklee
> > From: "Bill la Forge" <b.laforge@jxml.com>
> > To: "David Brownell" <db@Eng>, <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>,
> > "JP Morgenthal" <jp@ncfocus.com>
> > Subject: Java One and XML
> > Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 07:20:05 -0500
> >
> > I was just glancing over the session tracks for Java One and
> > saw nothing on XML.
> That's right -- this year's JavaOne didn't have presentations on XML.
> My group, and various other companies, had XML technology demos on the
> show floor. (The XML conference up in Redmond, the same week, featured
> mostly Java-centric development!)
> The tracks for next year's JavaOne (mid-June) are not yet known.
> > I was thinking about a Birds of a Feather, but I was wondering if
> > there was enough interest to do a pannel discussion or something.
> >
> > Proposals are due October 30th:
> > http://java.sun.com/javaone/javaone99/call.html
> Please submit a proposal, then! BOFs can usually be done on short
> notice, but talks and panel discussions are a bit different.
> That lead-time is a bit long; JavaOne is a huge show. There's also
> the smaller XTech'99 conference in late March (or is it early April?),
> sponsored by GCA and focussing on XML. It'll be in San Jose. That
> hasn't yet issued its call for papers.
> - Dave