Re: More namespaces perversion

Peter Murray-Rust (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 20:45:05

At 21:06 08/10/98 +0200, Ron Bourret wrote:
>However, somebody (Bill LaForge?) thought that this stuff probably
shouldn't go
>in the schema file, as it is application-specific, not schema specific.
>is, while you would presumably have a single schema for a given document
>you would probably have multiple bindings. (Please correct me if I've
>this wrong.)

This is a core problem and rather isomorphous to (I think) DavidB's points
1-3. Does the Element-Object binding occur in the
document/application/client, etc. I think we have to have an extensible,
overridable mechanism.

thinking as I go ...

Assume I have <molecule> defined in a DTD and therefore mapped to an
ElementType (from memory - is that right?) in (say) This is the planetwide definition of
CML DTD and its associated XSchema. Assume we also add a <binding> of some
<elementType name="molecule">
<namespace xmlns=""/

(Apologies for not reading the XSchema spec - it's offline... Please
correct this example, Ron)

The definitive binding is mapped onto an entity moleculeJava distributed
from But when the client gets it they can override
moleculeJava with their own entity. This will be quite common (I approve of
it) since there will be very different functionalities that people want.
The only thing is that they must implement the same API - the one we are
discussing under XObjects.

>> [David Brownell]:
>> >That sketch omits two important features: (a) importing bindngs
>> >defined for other namespaces, (b) document-specific bindings, such
>> >as for the "default" namespace or embedded in a document.
>I suspect the import problems could be solved by the general XSchema
scheme of
>using XLink to import stuff from other files. Document-specific bindings
>be handled by associating the appropriate XSchema file with the document
>an XSchema PI. (I might be missing exactly what is meant by
>bindings here.)

I agree that XLink is another mechanism - I thought it was going to be a
Recommendation a long time ago. If it were - and if we agreed some
transclusion mechanism - my entity stuff could be something like:
<XLink xml:link="simple" show="embed" actuate="auto" href=moleculeJava/>
where moleculeJava was an ENTITY (if I have the syntax right).

The earlier one seems easier. The main thing is to have an override mechanism


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary