Ron Bourret (
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 15:24:54 +0200

Graham Moore wrote:
> 1) Possinbly we should be using XML to specify the binding.
> [snip]
> Example functional mixin file: This is very simplistic but illustrates what
> we could do. I haven't considered the delegation structure in any real
> depth.
> <?xml version='1.0'?>
> <mixins>
> <mixinassoc elem="breakfast-menu" jclass=""/>
> <mixinassoc elem="food" jclass=""/>
> </mixins>

The binding syntax should definitely be XML. I also suggest that it be done in
such a way that the bindings can exist in a separate file (as shown in the
example) or dropped into a schema file. (In the example above, <mixinassoc>
could exist inside XSchema's ElementDecl element, where the elem attribute would
not be set, or directly beneath an XSchema element, ready for reuse elsewhere.)

-- Ron Bourret