Re: REC-xml-19980210: whitespace

Richard Tobin (
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 23:22:31 +0100

I think the wording of the section on attribute-value normalisation is
meant to mean nothing more or less than that line breaks in attribute
values do not need special processing: if you translate cr-lf to lf on
input (as suggested in 2.11), then replacing the lf with a space will
do the right thing.

To say it again: you might think that if you translated cr-lf to lf on
input, you would have to keep track of this so that when normalising
an attribute value you could put in two spaces, one for the cr and one
for the lf. Section 3.3.3 says that you don't have to (indeed
must not) do this.

-- Richard