> Could you expand a little bit more on your requirements as its sounds quite
> like a project I'll working on.
> 1. Who are you passing the tags on to, another part of the your application
> ?
Hm, nope, another XML app or HTML files/cgi/servlets
> 2. How do you want to locate the tags. eg. do you want the name tag within
> an person ala XSL ?
Ah, well, I don't think I understand this. Do you mean, if I want to
handle element <INPUT>, do I want it only from inside <FORM></FORM> ?
Well, I don't really care.
> 3. What langugue etc are you looking.
Hm ... I don't see that as an issue?
Lemme detail this:
Well basically the idea is to have a sort of server-side includes on
steroids. Currently, I'm using a handcrafted perl parser to do the
<IF CONDITION=full FIELD=username>Print some stuff</IF>
<IF CONDITION=empty FIELD=username>Print some other stuff</IF>
<OUTPUT FIELD=username />
<INPUT TYPE=text FIELD=username />
etc ... etc ...
and have my lib fill in the stuff.
I want to be able to add sensible tags, handle server-side form entry
verification in the template, etc.
Now, when I want to be able to have this (or something along those lines):
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<FORM DATASOURCE="jdbc:mysql:whatever" TABLE=userlist IDCOLUMN=id>
<B BOGUS=parameter>Your name is :</B> <!-- this gets passed 'as is' -->
<INPUT FIELD=username TYPE=text REQUIRE=full /><!-- the library inserts
a value field here -->
The program would handle FORM, FORM/INPUT, and pass BODY, B, and the rest
'as is', with the SAME whitespace in the tag, for example.
But I guess I'll go for saxon, as soon as I can understand it.