Re: TLAs (was: SOX)

Bill la Forge (
Tue, 6 Oct 1998 15:46:53 -0400

SOX without the S is OX. And that should make a fine feast!

Ignoring all the technical detalis of particularizing the elements
in a DOM tree, it seems that we can simply say that a given set of bindings
(however specified) transform an XML document into a DOM tree.

It follows then that Bindings could be an interface with one method:

public interface Bindings
public org.w3c.dom.Document
convert(org.xml.sax.InputSource inputSource)
throws SAXException;

Now, how one configures a Bindings object is an implementation issue.
And for a given implementation, it may not even be configurable. This allows
us to have Bindings which use Swing tree nodes, or Docuverse dom elements,
or Coins. A nice interface for everything.

(The SAX exception would typically be a SAXParseException.)
