Re: XObject (was was was)

Peter Murray-Rust (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 19:47:47

At 14:30 08/10/98 -0400, Bill la Forge wrote:
>There seem to be a lot of problems with DOM:
> - an incomplete set of interfaces
> - excessive overhead for some applications.
>But from the perspective of a component programming
>environment, where each application object has a
>peer member (or is a member) of the DOM tree,
>there seems to be a big advantage:
> a standard navigation api.
>So having a standard for converting an application-specific
>document reference into application-specific elements of
>a DOM tree means that we have decoupled the
>application code from the tool that builds the DOM tree.
>It also then creates a standard new kind of component--
>an XObject, which could be a really good thing indeed
>if they are easy to write.

Fully agreed. If it helps anyone, they are welcome to download my code from The simple subclassed nodes are in*Node and
are things like FloatNode, EnumerationNode, etc. More fun things are*Node with some simple graphics primitives. [I think
this isn't the latest version mounted]. Then there are
jumbo.cmlxml.MoleculeNode, etc. Most inherit methods, often overridden,

The public methods at least give some idea of my mental struggles and they
may be helpful...


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary