LISTRIVIA: Re: Absent TAGs ...

Peter Murray-Rust (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 19:02:32

At 09:27 01/10/98 -0400, ric Riblair wrote:
>I work with msxml and xml files generated by a database. When a tag value
>is absent, the database don't generate the tag. In that way, when my
>scripts try to treat it ... an error occur. How can I bypass this problem.
>I already try, to attibute the tag to a VAR (in my JScript) and supply and
>IF statement, but with no result.

Please do NOT post questions (or other general information) to multiple
lists which include XML-DEV. It annoys a lot of people as they subscribe to
many lists and get several copies of the question. Also it is extremely
difficult to get coherent thread management as replies occur asynchronously
on different lists. Choose your list carefully and post to just one. I'm
pleased to see you have got an answer on this list anyway.


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary