Sorry for the ramblings. What I meant to say was that invoking operations
on an object model seems too narrow a scope. I like to think of the whole
thing as document- or net-centric processing, where the focus is on
the document or the network of interconnected documents.
I fee the oo-view has failed in several ways. When you try to address
security issues of mobile agents, you get into a real mess so long as
you are dealing with objects--data and logic require distinct security
models and need to be handled independently. Which makes sense
when you realize that Classes are often pervasive within a small
community, while the data is often transitory.
XML processing in the most general sense might be thought of as
combining data (from the document) with the logic of an application
to render some desirable result. Lately I've been thinking of awt
components and JavaBeans as the applicaiton logic, and having the
objects in the object tree be wrappers which serve to connect the
document contents to the application logic.