Re: Deployability of XMLised HTML - authoritative survey?

Simon St.Laurent (
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 14:17:24 -0400

At 06:24 PM 10/6/98 +0100, Dan Brickley wrote:
>I understand from anecdotal reports and my own experiments that it is
>possible to get most (recent?) browsers to sensibly interpret and render
>well formed XML that "looks a lot like" HTML. With much of HTML, this is
>just a matter of matching case and closing </LI> etc. The treatment of
>HTML's <HR> and <BR> as <HR /> and <BR /> is, it seems, workable.

Reports are true; I'm doing this on the website. For an
old analysis of the results of XML-ized HTML, see - note that this is pretty
old and they used <BR/> instead of <BR />. So far, my code works on most
flavors of NS, IE, Lynx, and Amaya - see my site for details. I've been
finishing (another) book, but hope to get back to this project soon.
Sometime I'd like to build a nice neat table summarizing results.

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth (November)
Building XML Applications (December)