WFC is distributed in source code form. It took me about a
day to port it to Unix for one of my customers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thillai <>
To: 'xml-dev' <>
Date: Saturday, October 17, 1998 12:31 AM
Subject: Reading a XML document embeeded in a logfile
>I have a scenario where one thread or process will keep on creating
>XML documents and append it in a logfile.
>Another thread might be interested in reading the XML documents from
>the log file sequentially.
>The problem is if the logfile has two XML documents then the file content
>will become an invalid document.
>I can introduce a root element called Logfile and append all the documents
>as a child. But whenever I append a XML document I have to reposition
>the pointer to rewrite XML document root tag.
>Is there any way I can instruct the parser not to read the complete file,
>but read the file upto the first element A and its contents and next it has
>to return second element and its content. Parser.readStream( ) is giving
>error when it finds a scenario like this because it reads the whole file.
>Is it possible to create Document node from a "XML Document String in
>memory" instead of stream or file.
>Basically I like to use XML for a logfile where either I should be able to
>embed the XML document within the logfile, or multiple XML documents
>will be appended to the logfile continously and I must be able to read the
>XML docs one by one, or I want to read the embeded XML document into
>memory and parse it to Document node.
>Any idea will be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
>AT&T, Middletown, NJ