Re: Reading a XML document embeeded in a logfile

Samuel R. Blackburn (
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 05:34:59 -0400

If you can use C++, take a look at the XML classes in the
freeware Win32 Foundation Classes (WFC). They will do
what you want. You can stop parsing by setting a callback
for the element type you want. For example, give the parser
a function to be called every time an "A" element has been
parsed. If this callback returns FALSE, the parsing of the
document will be stopped. Also, it will perform the indentation
you described in your other message.

WFC is distributed in source code form. It took me about a
day to port it to Unix for one of my customers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thillai <>
To: 'xml-dev' <>
Date: Saturday, October 17, 1998 12:31 AM
Subject: Reading a XML document embeeded in a logfile

>I have a scenario where one thread or process will keep on creating
>XML documents and append it in a logfile.
>Another thread might be interested in reading the XML documents from
>the log file sequentially.
>The problem is if the logfile has two XML documents then the file content
>will become an invalid document.
>I can introduce a root element called Logfile and append all the documents
>as a child. But whenever I append a XML document I have to reposition
>the pointer to rewrite XML document root tag.
>Is there any way I can instruct the parser not to read the complete file,
>but read the file upto the first element A and its contents and next it has
>to return second element and its content. Parser.readStream( ) is giving
>error when it finds a scenario like this because it reads the whole file.
>Is it possible to create Document node from a "XML Document String in
>memory" instead of stream or file.
>Basically I like to use XML for a logfile where either I should be able to
>embed the XML document within the logfile, or multiple XML documents
>will be appended to the logfile continously and I must be able to read the
>XML docs one by one, or I want to read the embeded XML document into
>memory and parse it to Document node.
>Any idea will be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
>AT&T, Middletown, NJ