Re: SOX: element<->class mapping

Peter Murray-Rust (
Sat, 03 Oct 1998 19:46:55

At 10:33 03/10/98 -0700, David Brownell wrote:

>I'd certainly agree that in the general case, XML will be
>getting connected to some pre-existing application data which
>calls for complex model transformations to become XML. And
>that a good XML applications framework must enable that!
>However, I'd define the goals of an XML Object Framework to
>be focussed a bit more closely on what Peter called "Element
>Oriented Computing" ... where, I think, the assumption can
>be made that least some elements are the natural focus of
>an application.

I'm happy to change the name (EOC) if there is a more widely agreed
existing one, but - like David - I think it defines an achievable current
focus. I appreciate that there are many other exciting and valuable things
to be done but unless we keep the focus very clear we shall simply have
intractable discussions.

I use EOC to mean the creation of element-specific methods to carry out
tasks which are generally context independent. In my view they map onto
(possibly complex) objects which may (but need not) involve a large amount
of encapsulated subelements. Typical examples for me are:
<unitaryMatrix>0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0</unitaryMatrix>
<chord>C E G</chord>

For each of these complex software may have to be written and the
programmer needs a simple agreed interface with the generic core XML
engine. At present I think most of the approaches (SUN, XML4J, XXX, coins,
JUMBO) is as far as we need to go - we just need to agree on a common API.


>- Dave
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