Re: c++ parser for DOM
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 08:27:18 +0000

Richard J. Anderson@DI
10/27/98 08:27 AM

Hi Jason,

I've got an Active-X SAX control which could be used to build a DOM
control. The underlying XML parser used by the SAX control also supports a
native DLL/C++SAX interface, so you could build a DOM control on top of
that. ( Thats what I'm goingto do ) . I'll be publishing the C++ SAX
definitions for free when I get some spare time.

The XML support is not 100% yet, but it can parse most documents without
external entities. I could send you the Active-X control along with a demo
VB app. The app loads a document into a tree control, and shows the SAX
events in a list control.. There is no documentation as of yet.

Kind Regards,


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