Re: Publishing papers on XML-dev work

Murray Maloney (
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 13:57:06 -0400

At 12:56 PM 10/7/98 -0400, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
>At 11:00 07/10/98 -0400, Murray Maloney wrote:
>>As co-chair of the 8th International WWW Conference (
>>I encourage participants in this mailing list to submit papers
>>for peer review, presentation and publication in the Proceedings
>>of the conference. (
> This is of course a suitable publication place, as is the WWW J
>or the new journal of Markup (?technologies).

I thought that WWWJ was no more. The Markup Technologies journal
is an excellent place to publish. I am on the editorial board.
> I imagine real-life presence at the meeting is expected.

Expected and encouraged. I expect the '99 conference to contain
a lot of XML-related material. Since so much important XML work
happens on this list, I am encouraging all participants to
consider submitting a paper.
> I also ask whether there is a mechanism for submitting NOTEs to the W3C
>other than from members. Rather like papers in Proc. Roy Soc or PNAS have
>to be communicated by fellows/academicians on behalf of the authors. And is
>there any moderation/review of NOTEs? [There must be technical and
>editorial review, I assume.]

I can't speak on behalf of W3C. I do know that the staff reviews
all submissions. However, my examiniation of staff comments on
previous submissions would not lead me to equate their review
with a proper peer review process.

Murray Maloney, Esq. Phone: (905) 509-9120
Muzmo Communication Inc. Fax: (905) 509-8637
671 Cowan Circle Email:
Pickering, Ontario Email:
Canada, L1W 3K6