Re: XML-APP and XML-NEW (Re: It's time for practical XML!)

Rex Brooks (
Sat, 3 Oct 1998 16:44:50 -0700 (PDT)

>What is happening now is just a part of growing pain. How luxurious it is
>to be complaining about moving too fast and too wide when most new
>technologies have problems just being accepted.
>What we need to do now is start two new mailing lists which aids and acts as
>catalyst for newbies and application development:
>A mailing list for people learning XML and product announcements. I have
>long thought that newbies and spammers complement each other very well and
>not just in the negative sense.
>A mailing list for people developing XML applications.
>With above two additional mailing lists, we will have four tiers in the XML
>development community:
>W3C - for standards
>XML-DEV - for implementation and incubation of standards
>XML-APP - for application of standards
>XML-NEW - for beginners and announcements.
>I think this arrangement will go a long way toward relieving the growing
>pain we are feeling right now.
>Don Park

<facetious>Yes! Sign me up for the Newbies about two weeks ago. </facetious>

Seriously, this is a good idea. Since I'm working with the Perl Module and
java Servlet Module in the Apache Server to optimize delivery of VRML
worlds, I could really have used some newbie resources, and still could,
though, of course, I'll make do.

Thanks for the idea.

Rex Brooks
1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702 Vox: 510-849-2309
Virtual Reality Fax: 510-849-1306
Modelling Language chair: Content Development Working Group
Consortium (VRMLC) co-chair: VRML-IPR Task Group