Re: Microsoft COM parser (was Re: It's time for practical XML!)

Simon St.Laurent (
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 10:05:14 -0400

At 07:28 PM 10/6/98 +1000, James Robertson wrote:
>I think I'll jump on this, the second reference, to
>Microsoft's promised COM object.
>A couple of points:
>* So we want XML to be tied to the great monopoly?
>But, more practically:
>* When is this going to be delivered?
>* Will it work on NT 4/Windows 3.11/etc?
>* Will it be tied to IE?
>If I have to say to my customers, you need to
>install IE 6 in order to use XML, then that
>scares me.

Good points, and good reasons for more folks to develop Windows-specific
but non-Microsoft solutions. It sounds like the Delphi crowd is already
heading this direction; maybe others will follow. Componentizing parsers
and other XML tools sounds good to me, whatever platform or development
environment we're talking about. Speaking of which, I'd really like to see
more for my poor old Mac... someday...

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth (November)
Building XML Applications (December)