Re: It's time for practical XML!

Simon St.Laurent (
Sun, 04 Oct 1998 22:58:39 -0400

At 06:46 PM 10/4/98 -0500, Paul Prescod wrote:
>"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:
>> While it might not make sense to create the COM object, it might make a lot
>> of sense to build supporting structures for VB, Delphi, PowerBuilder, and
>> whatever other tool you like to work with.
>Wouldn't VB, Delphi, PowerBuilder etc. users use Microsoft's COM object
>parser? People do not, as an analogy, buy ".ini parsing libraries" for
>these platforms. They use thin layers over the Microsoft-provided APIs.

That just depends on how deep the tools MS provides are. If it's just a
parser, they'll need more. If it's a parser + XSL + XLink, etc, well,
maybe they'll call it IE 6! Just depends.

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth (November)
Building XML Applications (December)