Bill la Forge (
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 08:47:34 -0400

From: Graham Moore <>
>>When processing a document, the application should decide on
>>the classes to be used depending on (a) the markup language
>>of the document and (b) how the document is to be processed.
>I agree. Although I dont think we should think of processing documents. We
>should view it more generally as invoking operations on an object model.

If the Object tree has been constructed using application-specific
classes, then the result can take an active role as an agent, rather than
a passive role as a DOM.

After constructing the object tree, Coins always calls the run method
on the root node, providing it implements Runable. Runtime context
is provided via the document, which is implemented as an aggregate
and a member of a cactus stack of program services.

Stated another way, Coins supports XML agents.

(OK, perhaps I've spent too much time working on mobile agents. But
I really like the idea of agents constructed by a server from classes
that it trusts acting on the behalf of clients. This solves a lot of
issues and lets us get out of that non-scalable sandbox!)
