Re: XObjects (was TLAa was SOX)

Peter Murray-Rust (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 17:18:31

At 12:06 08/10/98 -0400, Tyler Baker wrote:
[... interesting approach snipped ...]
>My comments,

Thanks very much. I am grateful to see these concrete examples. The
discussion has been very useful so far. I get the feeling that we need to
take the plunge and decide whether we can go for a generic approach or
whether we have to plump for a subset of languages/architectures. As always
I urge us to stay on the side of simplicity. I could understand what Tyler
wrote :-)

My personal preference is still for inheritance, but that's probably
inertia and probably because I don't know any better.


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS, Virtual Hyperglossary